Unceremoniously the lights blast to life, "OW" I immediately cover my eyes.. "(N/N) ARE YOU OKAY," "Yeah, yeh I'm fine. Just a lot of light, forgot to close my eyes," I say as I spin around my chair to him wringing his hands together worried most likely about me after seeing the jerk again, "Hey I'm fine. I dealt with him last time," "BUT" "No butts dork, I did it last time with no real issues... " I get up from my chair and hop over the desk... almost anyway since I again trip cause I didn't learn my lesson last time. But I don't fall cause Sunny grabs me by the arm, which can circle the circumference of my upper arm which shouldn't surprise me given their height (which is like double mine), "(N/N) CAN'T YOU JUST GO AROUND THE DESK LIKE ALL THE OTHER WORKERS," he says as I reorient my self and he lets my arm go. "NO, CAUSE THAT'S TOO BORING SUNNY.. AND (N/N) DON'T LIKE BORING," I say crossing my arms and puff out my cheeks... Okay I see the child thing, and I immediately, before Sun can say anything, spin around and grab Sun's wrist, which I obviously can't fully grab, "COME ON, we got a felt buddy to create ya' dork!!!" I yell, also grabbing the papers we were working on, as I try to drag Sun back to the kiddie table which causes them to babble confused for a split second, before immediately laughing that wonderful robotic laugh of theirs, cause I obviously can't move them myself, but they concede and start following me us both giggling now. As we rush over to the kiddie table, we past the table I knocked everything off of.. ."Hey Sun," I say a bit quieter than normal, "sorry I ruined whatever you were doing over there..." "(N/N) THERE'S NO NEED TO BE SORRY ABOUT THAT, I CAN JUST SET IT UP LATER.. PLUS IT'S ALREADY BEEN CLEANED UP..." I look back at the table and while yes it's reorganized it's not how Sun had it.. "Yeah, but look I just know how much it irks me when my siblings would touch my toys, especially if I was playing with them." I stop myself before going into a full blown rant about my sibling moving my stuff when I wasn't looking, and then I'd blow up at them. "WELL, I CAN JUST SET IT BACK UP LATER, (N/N) I DO HAVE A PHOTOGRAPHIC MEMORY." "Oh yeaaahh, that makes sense.. Seeing as you would need to know every kid..." We finally get back to the kiddie table with all of the puppet stuff. And start designing some more!! The two of us spend a long while just figuring out the basic concept of the puppet, what will they be, their personality cause we can't just make a new friend with no personality. And my dumb butt decides it wants a flower maiden, after a lot of brainstorming from me and Sun, those pretty girls with the apron dresses and the baskets for picking flowers, but cause I'm so creative, I wanted them to be a guy. So we both goof off, getting all of the design narrowed down. So we came up with the name Ernest, I just googled old English names cause neither me nor Sunny boi had anything good, and Ernest just sounded like a nice name. "OKay, okay, kay kay kay.. He has to have a flower crown and a couple cool-like dreadlock braids, cause yarn duhhh, and a really cool hair bun, which also needs flowers!!!" I say all excited as I draw Ernest out having to stop myself from kicking my feet, cause I almost flipped the table earlier, cause surprise kiddie tables are heckin small!! "OOHH, AND HE ABSOLUTELY NEEDS A SOFT CUTE FACE, HE NEED SOME KIND OF EYELASHES" "YEAH, what were you thinking they should look like Sun.." "HHHHMMMM, WELL NOT OVERDONE OR DONE FROM THE CORNER OF THE EYE, CAUSE THAT WOULD EASILY MAKE HIM LOOK TO FEM..." "Yeah, okay how about just two small lashes under the eyes that could be mistaken for blush, and some cool eyes... SQUARES" I yell out drawing the pupils like little rectangles without any shading inside them. "OKAY, NOW AN OUTFIT.... HMMM, WHAT ABOUT ROYAL BLUE SHIRT." "NOO, He's gotta have a dress, cause he's a flower maiden, even if he's a guy... But I do like Royal blue to be the main color!" and I continue, "OH YEAH, okay back to da face, it's gotta be a bit more rigid.. Cause a round face will make him look to fem, and he's gotta be androgynous.. But what face shape... HMmmm?" "OH, WE COULD MAKE IT A CURVED SQUARE, KINDA LIKE HIS EYES," "YES, THAT'S IT. SUNNY YOU'RE SO SMART!!!"

Sun sputters a bit at that, "OH, UM!!! I-IT'S NOTHING (N/N). I MEAN I'M NOT ALL THAT SMART. I COULDN'T HELP YOU SOLVE ANY OF YOUR SCHOOL QUESTIONS A FEW DAYS AGO." Oh yeah forgot I had asked for some help on a chemistry problem, it wasn't the problem the wording through me off, but Sun wasn't able to help me in that department, but I figured it out in the end. "No, Sun not Book-smart like moi' but creative-smart. I mean, I love art, but I'm not full of ideas all the time, heck you were the one who got my brain kicking into high gear when you came up with the Fantasy Trope!" I say as I continue drawing Ernest out. I make his limbs a bit blockier, "AND THAT'S NOT A BAD THING,"... I balk for a sec, "NOT BEING BOOK-SMART I MEAN... THAT'S SOMETHING THE PARENTS ALWAYS TALKED ABOUT.. SAYING THEY WANTED THEIR KID TO ACHIEVE GREAT THINGS.." "WHAT!!!??? OF COURSE IT'S NOT BAD. Sun, art is a huge part of welll.. I was gonna say being human, but I mean in general it's a part of being an individual. It allows us to show how we think, it allows for others to see themselves in others art, and helps us learn about ourselves. People who say art is not meant to be a job are just unappreciative and don't understand what life would be without it. Or think it should be created by A.I.... " I think for a moment, "WAIT THAT CAME OUT WRONG, I mean the A.I. that most companies use not you.. Where it is only an algorithm and nothing more.. And steals from artists." I breathe having my rant over with. "BUT (N/N) WOULDN'T YOU BE AGAINST A CAREER THERE, SEEING AS YOU'RE STUDYING ZOOLOGY BUT NOT PURSUING ART?" He asks so ERNEST-LY... okay brain stop being stupid it's serious mode time, "Well no, Sun when I was a kid I juggled the idea of being an artist, I still do. I just knew if I did art as a job.. It'd become an obligation, where I have to follow another's instruction. My art is mine, and I want it to remain something I enjoy, not to say that artists in their fields don't enjoy their art, it's just different for each person. And for me I get to distracted, in anything I do. Plus I wouldn't be able to choose what I wanted to really do either. It's why I chose zoology as a major, because every species is different from each other. Meaning I can have variety." I say drawing out Ernest's vest and sleeves, "Plus animals are a passion of mine, I love understanding them, I'm not doing that to better society or to prove I'm smart. Just to make myself happy in my job..  Whatever job that might be!!" I say smiling over at him.

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