Yelena: Yea, солнце (sun), what the tin man said

Nat: Yelena istg

Yelena: What, I'm being nice

Yelena: You're such a mom🙄

Clint: Not the topic, guys.

Peter: But wait, babe, who were you texting if not me?

Alena put down her boyfriends phone, smirking at him pridefully as she just let the others react.

,,That is mean, light"

Peter sighed, but had a similar expression to that of his redheaded girlfriends on his face.

Said girlfriend only waved him off, playfully cupping his face.

,,They're being nosy, моя любовь (my love), so they have to expect something like this"

She laughed before pressing a kiss to his lips.

Peter blushed, so he picked his own phone back up. Alena peeked over his shoulder, checking the new messages of the group.

Super secret boyband

Nat: Babe??

Steve: Excuse me??

Tony: So you ARE dating??

Alena: PETER!!

Peter: ALENA!!

Yelena: The spider kid, really солнце (sun)??

Clint: Can we rewind on the part where baby light was texting someone other than Peter?

Alena: Don't call me that, hawk ear!!

Peter: Who were you texting tho??

Now it was Peter's turn to look at his partner. Alena just hit him with another unimpressed look.

,,Who was I texting if it wasn't you, huh babe?"

She asked, genuinely clueless on how to get the hell out of the situation they got themselves into.

Peter shrugged, just as clueless as his redheaded girlfriend. 

Alenas eyes lit up suddenly, a grin forming on her lips.

,,Oh I know"

She declared before furiously beginning to type.

Super secret boy band

Alena: MJ.

Alena: I was literally texting MJ

Peter: You tell MJ you love her??

Peter: Now I'm offended.

Nat: ...

Nat: Makes sense

Nat: ...kinda

Clint: How does that make sense??

Steve: Yea, I'm confused?

Alena: Girls tell each other they love each other

Alena: MJ is my best friend, so duh.

Nat: Imma have to back her on that, it does make sense xD

Nat: Although you and I are gonna have to have a talk on the kid and you

Alena: MOTHER!!!


,,You're one dead spider, моя любовь (my love)"

Alena smirked, cupping her boyfriend's face. He looked slightly scared.

,,Your Mom's scary as is, but me dating you makes me panic even more"

Peter replied teasingly before hitting his girl with a pillow. Alena gasped and dodged.

This ensued into a full blown pillow fight between the two teens. (Alena won)

A/N: Potential for part two?? 
If I'm honest, I love spiderlight so much, they're very cute. Also, I heard avengers gc was a hit, sooo, more of that maybe?
Anyways, have a great day/night, I'll see you around and stay amazing, beautiful people <33

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