-" Yahoo… I won.. You couldn't find me Lucy. " Jessica jumped down from the cupboard.

Lucifer was surprised and shocked for a second but he reacted in a split of second and catched Jessica who was jumping down from the cupboard carelessly.

-" Are you crazy, little one? Who will hide in a cupboard.? What if you didn't get enough air.? " Lucifer scolded her.

He was tensed about her safety and Jessica could see his care for her.

-" I know you will protect me and will never get me hurt. So why should I worry..? " Jessica grinned innocently.

-" Do you think it's funny.? Huu..? What if something happened to you.? Don't take everything leisurely. " Lucifer replied in a pissed voice and walked back to his chair leaving Jessica alone.

Jessica scratched her head and headed to Lucifer. She pushed his chair a little and sat on his lap with a pout.

-" Lucy, I'm sorry. I will try to become more mature. Don't be angry with me. " Jessica

Her voice was shaking a little. When did she become an emotional fool.? When did his anger and silence start to affect her..? This man is really a devil.. A devil who captured her heart within a few weeks.

Lucifer didn't expect such a reaction from Jessica. He thought she would fight with him, which he loved the most. He liked how she fought with him and how her face looked cuter when she fought for silly matters.

-" Don't  change yourself for me, little one. I know you are mature when it's needed. That's enough. And don't you dare to change yourself because I fell in love with who you are. " Lucifer wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her more to him.

-" Really..? Don't you have any problem with my behavior.? " Jessica asked for confirmation.

-" Yes, my little girl. I love you. " Lucifer assured her.

Suddenly Jessica remembered something.

-" It's time for the surprise." Saying She got up from his lap and twirled twice in front of Lucifer.

-" Can you find any change in me.? " Jessica asked in excitement.

-" What difference..? " Lucifer looked at her face in confusion.

-" Uppsss… I forgot to remove the cap. " Jessica bit her tongue at her own foolishness and removed the cap from her head.

With that her chestnut colred hair fell and covered her back. Lucifer was shocked as he failed to breath for a second. Her wavy hair was so beautiful and the brown hair was maching her more than blonde.

-" How am I looking.? Am I beautiful.? " Jessica again twirled.

With her twirling her long hair was blowing in the air. Lucifer was admiring how beautiful she looked with that long hair.

-" Lucy, I'm asking you. " Jessica waved her hands in front of his face as Lucifer was lost in his own world.

-" You look beautiful, Like a fairy " Lucifer came back to reality with a chuckle.

How could she look so beautiful and it was his first time he lost himself with a girl. Indeed his little one has magic in her hand.

-" I know.. Dadda always tells me I look beautiful with my natural hair color. Do you know why..? Because Dadda loves mommy's long hair and I inherited her genes. " Jessica explained.

Twisted perfection (The Unexpected Destiny Of Love...)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz