Start from the beginning

That was until the silence broke by Victoria's sigh.

She spun the bottle harder this time. You could clearly see the bones on her knuckles showing up. I do have to admit.

It was hot.

We played a couple of more rounds until the bottle spun to me and Victoria. Victoria smirked at me. "Tom," she began, "truth. or. dare." She said emphasizing the 'dare'. I looked around at the boys to see their faces.

Georg has a sly smile on his face, Bill had almost the same expression as Georg, lastly there was Gustav, he was raising his eyebrows slowly. I gulped nervously. I looked back to Victoria, she had this mischievous smirk implanted on her face, one thing that caught me of guard was her eyes.

They weren't a dark hazel shade. It was black. Her eyes darkened so dark I couldn't tell if there was a peep of color in them.

"Dare." I spoke in a low voice. Playing with my lip ring. I saw her eyes fixated on it. Her smirk only grew. She nodded before saying my dare.

"I dare you, to take four shots of straight vodka, then spin ten times in a circle, jump in the pool," She began, "Fully clothed." She finished. I just smirk at her. Hearing the laughter from the boys.

I went to the kitchen and poured me four shots of straight vodka, the boys plus Victoria following behind. I dumped all of the shots down my throat, each shot burning my throat more and more. I looked over my shoulder seeing the boys cheering me on, and then there was Victoria who had a surprising smile, I winked over to her.

She just snickered and shook her in disbelief, we all walked outside, walking towards the pool. The boys spun me while Victoria counted. "One, two, three." I felt semi okay, but feeling the effect of the alcohol coming. "Four, five, six." I officially felt the dizziness. "Seven, eight, nine." I started getting wobbly. "Ten!" Victoria shouted. I felt my head hurting, I walked to the pool doing a cannon-ball.

Once I had risen to the top of the pool. I saw everyone cheering at me, even Victoria. I felt satisfied, I felt ecstatic, every word you could describe proud I was feeling it.

I got out of the pool and got greeted by a Victoria with a towel in hand. I took it, giving her a thankful nod and smile, she returned the nod and giving me the slightest smile. But I could still see it.

As I was walking to the door it get inside, I felt wobbly, dizzy, and I felt the alcohol kicking in. I felt like shit, plus my baggy wet clothes are not helping.

We got inside and I was more farther away from everyone, that was until I heard Victoria groan in frustration and started walking up to me pulling me by the forearm.


If I have to be honest with you it was hilarious watching Tom jump in the pool with his big as clothes. It made him look like a little balloon.

When we got inside, I felt someone tapping my right shoulder, I turned my head to that direction, I was greeted my Bill, Tom's brother he was sweet. Even though most of my friends are woman and not men I have a feeling we will get along, just because we sort of have the same humor.

Bill had this mysterious expression on his face. I raised an eyebrow questioning him. He whispered in my ear saying "Can you pretty please take care of Tom?" "No." I quickly said scoffing. He gave me puppy dog eyes, "Bill, stop." I said demandingly. But he didn't stop he just kept the puppy dog face. Shortly I gave in, letting out a frustrated groan.

I quickly walked up to Tom grabbing him by the forearm, dragging him up the stairs. Once we were up there I looked down to see Bill with a mischief smirk, I rolled my eyes at him. I took a look at Tom before saying "So where's your bedroom?" I asked, not thinking it may sound weird.

THE EYES | TOM KAULITZWhere stories live. Discover now