before you read ^-^

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Hello ^-^

I'm sorry if this update (after a year of finishing this story) upsets you guys hahah.

Just want to put a disclaimer before you (new readers) read <3

1. This is my first attempt at writing a royal story. My biggest mistake is I didn't do any research in the background of the historical period. Without any knowledge because of my lazy ass, I wrote this story just because I want you to read the plot. With that being said, there are a lot of inconsistencies in the story for example; the use of vehicles, the honourable ranking, the education system and the invention of things (I remember seeing a comment asking if a tissue already exists in the story setting.)

I truly apologise for that.

2. I'm actually trying to avoid the korean historical setting (eg, Joseon Dynasty) because I think it is common to see that in k-dramas. I figured that this is not a k-drama but instead just a written story so I want to imagine the old western look more. *This is far from the intention to disregard Korean culture. I am merely trying to experiment my writing by creating different settings but failed miserably. So what I had in mind while writing this was the medieval look or a period before that. However, as I stated before, I did not do any research. My stupid mind just wanted to imagine the clothing, architectural structure and the hierarchy.

(I imagined places like Emma and Bridgerton also a bit of Harry Potter and Disney's Brave while writing this. I'm truly sorry)

3. Since this story has a sequel / spin-off (jisung & felix story), I'm afraid I cannot do much to fix the inconsistencies but I will try to do my best ^-^

4. Be nice in the comments! So far I haven't seen negative comments under this story and I really appreciate that. If you want to give constructive criticisms / feedback, please feel free to do so for me to improve BUT please be nice and not to the point it can hurt my feelings badLy.

This is long due but thank you to those who have read / is reading! Enjoy my midnight ass crap~

- ryu <3

✓ the hooded princess • kim seungminWhere stories live. Discover now