w h a t i f # 1

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ps: this is totally unedited so bear some cringiness and grammar error

what if: seungmin got sick and eunkyung visited him

"seungmin is in his room."

the princess turned to the archer with a surprised look, "am i... allowed to go there...?"

he nodded with a smile. "it's the second room from the stairs on the right."

hesitantly, she nodded while muttering a small thanks. the girl hugged her books close to her chest as she climbed up the stairs. small creaks emitted underneath her. though the house was built long ago, it's still strong.

she arrived at the said room and knocked once before retreating her hand. her lips were pursed tightly. her heart was beating fast. her two sides of minds were fighting w each other whether she could go on or not. seungmin had been ignoring her for days and it's obvious he didn't like her. but why?

taking a deep breath, she prepared to knock again.

when the door suddenly opened.

she gasped and froze seeing seungmin in front of her with a messy bed hair. he squinted his eyes and tilted his head to the side with her eyebrows furrowed.


"ehem, hem," she cleared her throat and looked away. she had never seen him like this; so casual with his sleeping attire and his bed hair, his puffy cheeks– he looks freaking adorable. "your father told me i could go upstairs."

he shut his eyes tight for a second. that was when he remembered they should have a study session that evening. the guy sighed, "i'm so sorry i fell asleep." then he opened the door wide for her, "come in."

"eh–" she was startled at that. did he just invite her into his... room?

eunkyung didn't get to say anything when he moved to another door, seemingly a bathroom or a toilet. she stepped in while looking around. roughly calculating, she could say it was one quarter of her room yet quite big for a person to stay in. the study table was placed between the bed and a hang of clothes while the opposite side of it was the wardrobe. next to the door was where the book shelf was. the arrangement of the room made it look bigger as it has a space in the middle. she just stood there, not knowing what to do and where to sit.

seungmin went out shortly. he just washed his face and fixed his hair (which the girl kind of feel sad because bed hair seungmin was sth she wanted to see). he gave her a questioning look while pulling out the chair. "um, have a seat."

"you look tired." she remarked.

he hummed, "i'm tired everyday."

"you look extra tired." she added. "you should just rest."

he looked up to her which she supposed a judging look. the male then sat on the bed. "and you're returning now?"

"yes." she turned on her heel but seungmin grasped her wrist before making her sit on the chair. he took the book and flipped it open to where they left last time. eunkyung was a bit speechless. "seungmin–"

"here, right?" he went back to the bed where he could see the book from there.

"seungmin," she closed the book, earning a questioning look from him. "you don't look good."

"i'm just fine?"

she shook her head and wanted to feel his forehead but he slapped her hand away. both of them had their eyes widened at the sudden action. eunkyung averted her gaze away, "you... don't really look good."

✓ the hooded princess • kim seungminWhere stories live. Discover now