chapter 5

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Claire's POV

I am still a little worried if this man is going to hurt me. Right now I'm sitting on a chair in his kitchen while he cooks something called macaroni and cheese. He seems like a safe person and for the most part I trust him. 

"baby girl, can you try this for me, i promise you will like it." It looks so good, I have not eaten in days. As I take my first bite of it i quickly gulp the rest of it down within seconds. I did not realize how hungry i actually was. I let out a little whine when it was all gone and the man gave me a sympathetic look. "do you want more" he said with a little smirk. Yes Yes Yes i scream in my head but I just give a shy nod." ok hun here you go" I hungrily eat it up and let out a tiny little yawn. 

" oh baby are you tiered lets get you a nap" He bends down and picks me up in his arms. I feel the warmth of his body radiating off of him as I snuggle closer to his chest. He lays down in the big king size bed and pulls me to him. Its the first time in a long time that I feel safe and warm. With that thought i fell into a restful sleep. 

When I woke up the man was still next to me."How was your nap" he says as he picks me up and places me in his lap. "Can I ask you a few questions sweetie" I nod shyly knowing that he will ask me about my life before. "Oh I forgot I never got your name, what is it hun?" "Claire" I say in a tiny voice. I can't help but notice the look in the mans eyes. It was surprisingly comforting. "Why were you on the street by your self?" Oh great I have to tell him and more important I have to talk. "My parents left me there and never came back for me" I can't help but sniffle a little. 

He wraps his large hands around me and i sob into his shirt leaving large tear stains. "Its ok little one I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere" I feel so safe and secure it scares me. I know that I'm going to be put back on the streets and it will just hurt more if I get attached to him but i can't help it. Its nice to feel this way even if it is just for a little while. With that thought I drift back to sleep in the comfort of the big mans arms.

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