Episode 42-43

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Titan TV Man's POV,

I sat on some giant remains of a toilet.

And looked down at the Alliance Members watching two small Parasites fight it out.

I was holding some comically massive newspaper and was solving a crossword puzzle while waiting for everyone to reconvene and regroup with the group I went with.

I was trying to think of a word till I get hit in the face by some rockets.

I turn my head to see some flying Skibidi toilets.

I just use "THX Blare" on them. They die and fall out of the sky. I just went back to my crossword puzzle.

I stood up and looked to see everyone was back and many had already set up their defenses.

I look to the highway towards where the next city should be.

I began walking the few who followed, followed me every step of the way. I began walking by the area where I saw some giant, normal, and small toilets sliding towards us.

I speak out.

"Get them. I'll deal with the giants."

I ran forward and "THX Blare" the giant skibidi toilets. Accidentally dealing with the smaller and normal sized ones as well. I see some of the alliance members lower their weapons. I just raise my hands and said.

"Sorry bout that."

I stared down before continuing our walk towards the next city. We of course deal with some threats and such.

I then get crashed into by a Giant Skibidi Toilet. As I fall on my butt. I stand up and look towards my opponent. His eyes were basically hollowed out.

I get shot at by numerous rockets from his guns. I backflip to recover quickly. And I got back on my feet and entered a fighting stance.

I dash forward at moderate speed. Due to all the metal plating on my body. Which lowered my speed by a bit.

I go for a punch as the Giant Skibidi Toilet tried ramming into me again.

I quickly grab his head and slammed it against his back side.

I do it repeatedly before grabbing his empty eye sockets with my fingers and ripping his head clean open. I then kick the toilet out of the way and used "THX Blare" on all the remaining Skibidi Forces.

I turn to my platoon who had minimal loses.

I nod and continued my walk. In which they all followed.

This time.

I'm much more careful. I won't make a repeat.

It won't be..

Like Episode 47.

Not. At. All.


Author's Note,

Nothing to say!

Stay Tuned, Stay Frosty!

And have a wonderful day software gang.

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