The voice talked about urban legends and mysterious murders from the 1920's and early 1930's in New Orleans, which always peaked Aria's interest. She was inspired heavily by the killer's tactics of ending the lives of his victims, and she marveled at how it brought those bastards more agony than she could've ever imagined, a delightful sight to behold.

"And that's it for today's news, folks! I bid you farewell for now, and remember, you're never fully dressed without a smile!" The host chuckled, his voice heavy with static.

Aria chuckled softly at his words as though he was talking to her specifically. Music of the electroswing genre flowed out of the speakers softly, allowing her to relax and enjoy listening to it. "Oh, that's a good quote." She sighed at no one in particular, chuckling. "His broadcasts are so entertaining and amazing, and the music is so nice and funky!"

A knock on the door disrupted her reminiscence, earning a soft groan from her. "Who the hell is knocking at my door at literally 2 am in the morning?"

Turning down the radio and opening the door, she was greeted by numerous police officers, sternly staring down at her. Although shocked and agitated, she managed to hide it with a sweet, innocent smile.

"Oh, is there anything I can assist with, gentlemen?" She asked.

"Aria Lee, you are under arrest for the many murders you've committed. Put your hands in the air!" One officer yelled, pointing his gun at her.

Doing as told, she acted confused and slowly took a few steps backwards. How in the world did they find her out?

"Woah, woah, woah, hold on there fellas, what murders? What in hell are you talking about?"

"You have the right to remain silent!" A second officer silenced her, walking behind her and cuffing her. Aria's eyes flared wide in wrath when she felt a sting on her rear, where the wretch had slapped for no reason at all.

How dare he lay his hands on a lady like that!

Snarling, she kicked the officer in the balls, earning a pained howl from him. She hastily jumped over her arms so her hands were in front of her, allowing her to get her knife and stab his chest, making it sink as deep as it could. Gurgling, the man collapsed onto the floor as his companions panicked. A perfect chance for her to run away.

The cops chased after her in rage, firing their guns and barely missing her. Opening the back door, she escaped to the woods nearby, blindly running deeper and deeper. The sounds of gunshots, shouts and footsteps slowly faded away as a psychotic grin found its way to her lips.

"Good game, fellas. Good game." She chuckled darkly.


An agonizing pain followed shortly. Aria's sprinting came to a stop as blood seeped out from the left side of her head. Hitting the muddy ground below her, she let out a shaky grunt as darkness surrounded her vision. Memories of her life flashed before her eyes, giving her a sense of dread.

"So, is this where it all ends?" She asked herself, struggling to keep her eyes open from eternal sleep, but to no avail. Before numbness overtook her body, a voice echoed inside her head.

"You're never fully dressed without a smile..."
Obliging, Aria managed to make a small smile as her breathing came to a stop.


"Ding, dong, I know you can hear me..."

Aria's horrifyingly enchanting voice echoed throughout the small alley. What was heard by other sinners as a sweet yet haunting melody, was a piercing song that ruptured the ears of her victim.

"S-stop!! Stop singing, please...Please!" The sinner demon cried, its busted jaw clenched in agony as his eardrums rang like a church bell, announcing the execution of one who has sinned.

"I'll do anything, please!! Oh, for the love of everything holy..." He continued to beg.

The lioness demon continued to slowly approach him, one step at a time. Her yellow sclera turned blood red as her pupils turned completely white, her voice becoming even more unsettling.

"Open up the door, I only wanna play a little~"

Breathy and whispery, her voice roared in the ears of the unfortunate sinner, causing them to start bleeding. A few drops of the crimson liquid started to drip down from the holes of his ears, causing the sinner to cover them in anguish.

"Please...please... I'm sorry for catcalling, I won't do it again! I swear!!" He choked out, tears spilling from his three eyes as well. Finally, his threshold for pain was crossed, causing his body to give out and topple with a loud thud.

Aria snickered quietly, summoning a pink flame and flung it to the sinner demon, igniting him and walking away as he burned.

"Barely two lines in, and he's already looking dead." The lioness taunted, shaking her head. "Tsk, tsk. I guess some things never change after all. Men like these, and my thirst for revenge on them."

Walking away from the alley, Aria cleaned herself up from the blood-stained mess with a mere snap of her fingers. Her tail flicked behind her in satisfaction as she made her way back to the hotel to rest, since the kill took a toll on her energy. Yawning a little, she adjusted her spectacles and ran a hand through her fluffy hair.

Unbeknownst to her, a familiar figure walked into the alley she was just in. Seeing the now burnt body of the sinner, Alastor chuckled sinisterly. His red eyes gleamed threateningly in the dim light of the narrow alley, replaying the scene of Aria killing off this has-been in his mind.

"Not quite as delectable as raw meat...but this will suffice. My apologies, good fellow, but you were just no use to me anymore." He mused to no one in particular, picking up the burnt scraps and swallowing them with one gulp.

"She really is like me..."

After snacking, the stag started to hum as if nothing happened and went on his merry way. Yet the familiarity of Aria's actions nagged at his mind. His permanent grin softened just the slightest bit as a sense of deja vu hit him.

Aria's sense of justice, her way of taunting her victims, and how she tortured and finally destroyed them was almost identical to Alastor's own way of causing torment. It was almost ironic, how unbelievably similar the buck and the feline were.

Through this little trick, Alastor finally decided that Aria will be his next source of entertainment. After the Hotel, of course. Even so deep down he didn't want to lay a single finger on her.

Snapping out of his thoughts, the Overlord shook his head and continued to walk with a confident, almost arrogant stride, striking fear to mere passersby.

Daughter of the Radio Demon: The Lilting Huntress (Father Figure! Alastor × OC)Where stories live. Discover now