Lucas nods and asks, "Professor, you've been gone for four years now. How are you enjoying being back in Sinnoh?"

"...Hm. There is one thing I can say. There are many rare kinds of Pokémon in Sinnoh. The region should serve us very well in regard to our studies." Professor Rowan says.

Then they notice us and Lucas asks, "Dawn! Barry! What are you doing here? It's too dangerous for you to come here without a Pokemon, shouldn't you be going to Sandgem Town waiting for us?"

I say, "Sorry, it's just that both of us want to see if we can find the Red Gyarados in the lake."

"Sorry to say that there is nothing like that in the lake." Professor Rowan says. "So you must be Dawn and Barry, the new trainers who are going to receive the Starter Pokemon."

"Yes!" We all say, and Professor Rowan decides to bring us back to the lab in Sandgem Town. But just when we arrive at the lab, we can see that Dad is panicking.

"Professor Rowan, we are so sorry about this, but we have a slight problem a Chimchar and a Piplup have gone into a fight and they're missing."

Barry says, "Then Dawn and I should look for them! Let's go, Dawn!"

"But Barry, Dawn..." Before Lucas can say something, Professor Rowan says, "Very well, you two should remember to get into their eye level, that will get them to calm down."

"Okay, we'll do that." Then the two of us run off and Barry says, "That Professor Rowan is a really nice guy."

Then we find the two Pokemon fighting each other, and they all run off. "Hey! You two, wait up!" We chase after the two Pokemon, and eventually, they are all out of our sight.

Barry says, "Dawn, you look over there and I'll look here."

"Right!" We decide to separate for now, and I find Piplup tied onto an Ariados' web, and there is also the Pokemon that it captured in the web. The Ariados tries to attack me, so I decide to lure him away by standing in front of the web, and when Araidos attacks, I dodge the attack in time so the web is destroyed. I manage to catch Piplup in time, but we fall into the ledge and I say, "You're safe now, Piplup. My name is Dawn, how are you?"

Just then, Piplup attacks me with a Peck attack, and then he starts to yell at me. I wish I could be like Ash, Serena, or others... to be able to understand what they're saying...

"Hey! You're the one who got caught!" I say, but then I realize that Piplup is actually hungry, so I decided to share some Pokemon food with him, but he refuses. I think he has an attitude problem.

Just then, the Ariados is back, and they try to trap us with String Shot. More Ariados' appears, and we try to dodge the Poison Sting. We try to distract them by using Pokemon food, but the String Shot caught my leg.

"Piplup! Get out of here! I'll be fine!" But then Piplup decides to go with the Bide attack, and it sends back the attack to them. "That sure is an amazing Bide... Piplup, thank you so much."

Just then, Piplup falls to the ground fainted, and at the same time, Barry arrives with Chimchar in his hands. I notice Barry having scratch cuts and I ask, "What happened to you?"

"Just a scratch, but hey. You also got Piplup as well." Barry says. "I think my Chimchar was way stronger than yours."

"Oh yeah? This guy used Bide to chase away 9 Ariados at the same time." I say with a proud tone.

Barry sighs before saying, "I know we have to go return these Pokémon. They're not ours. But I want to spend just a little more time with this little guy..."

Ash's Story (Part 5: Modern Sinnoh)Where stories live. Discover now