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A month later....

Maria walked down the stairs, her brothers Maverick and Lucien hugged her. She was puzzled. "What's up you two?" Maria asked her brothers. "Dad told us what happened." Maverick said. "We've been lost without our older sister." Lucien added. Maria smiled a bit. 

"I'm fine boys, Thanks to Pete, Bradley and Kara... even Jake and Colton. I'm safe." Maria told her brothers. "Speaking of Bradley, we've got to warn him." Maverick said. "About what?" Maria questioned. "If he breaks our sister's heart, we'll break him." Lucien said. "That won't be necessary you two, those lovebirds are in love... it just took long enough." Their father told them as he walked into the room.

Blain looked at his daughter, "Besides your sister was just promoted to Captain, we plan on celebrating that achievement ." Blain said with pride. Maverick and Lucien looked at their older sister as she smiled. "That's awesome." Maverick said. "You deserve it." Lucien siad as he and Maverick pulled their sister into another hug.

"I take it you are going to see Pete and Bradley?" Blain questioned. "Yeah, those two are on good terms and I cannot be any happier." Maria said. "How's Kara and Colton?" Blain asked. "Well Kara took Robert to meet her parents, safe to say that Cougar likes Bob, as for Colton, He and Natasha went out of town for a week, still in love as ever." Maria said. "I'll be back by nightfall." Maria added. "You are grown woman, oh, by the way, tell Pete and Penny that their welcome to dinner as well." Blain said and Maria nodded.

Maria pulled up to the hanger, She saw Penny and Amelia.  Penny smiled at sight of the Perez woman. "Here for old Pete?" Maria asked which Penny nodded. "How are you and Bradley?" Penny then asked. "Well, he doesn't know i'm here." Maria said with a soft smile. Maria looked over to see her boyfriend struggle with the wiring, she chuckled softly.

"I be better help him or chaos will break out." Maria said as Penny nodded. Penny hummed as she thought back her time with Lilly and then a smile broke on her face. "Oh Lilly, your daughter is so much like you, I wish you were still here old friend." Penny mumbled. "You okay mom?" Amelia asked. "Yeah, just thought back on a wonderful memory." Penny said.

Maria was behind Bradley, he was struggling with the wires. "You know Roost, you just connect the blue and yellow wires." Maria said which caused Bradley to whip his head around, he had grin on his face as he pulled her into a hug. "Isn't this a surprise." Bradley said as kissed the top of her head. Pete smiled at sight of the couple.

"It doesn't surprise me that you still hang around this place Mav." Maria said to Pete as Bradley held onto her. "Yeah..."  Pete said. Maria smiled. "My mom was the same way, I remember it that way." Maria said. "She was, you take after her on that but besides your dad, you and your brothers came first." Pete said.

Maria looked over and saw the photo wall, she smiled, "Memories huh?" Maria questioned as Pete nodded. Maria walked over to the wall but she froze when she saw a photo of her mother on the wall. "Momma..." Maria said as she touched the photo, that photo was taken at Graduation. Her grandparents didn't approve of her mother when Valor attended Top Gun, but what did Maria expect, they had the same reaction when Maria announced that she would be taken on her parents's footsteps.

Maria then smiled at the photo of Goose and his wife. "I promise Goosie, I'm taking care of Bradley..." Maria muttered. Bradley walked up and held onto her. "Mav, told me a badass story about your mom, your mom was always such a badass so is the woman I'm in love with." Bradley said which made Maria smile.

"Especially that trick she did to that enemy plane." Bradley said. "Yeah, that one, my brothers go on and on about that one, by the way, They wanted to talk to you but my dad jumped in." Maria said. "Hmm, should I be scared?" Bradley questioned. "No, because my dad said we are in love, I say we are soulmates that it just us so long to realize it." Maria said as she kept her eye contact with her boyfriend.

"Besides Lucien told me after we got back he put in application, besides Maverick leaves in two weeks for France." Maria said. "Pilots run in the family." Bradley said. "They do in the Bradshaws as well." Maria said. "I say they'll run with our kiddos." Bradley said then froze then Maria looked at him. "You see forever with me Maria?" Bradley asked. Maria smiled. "Yeah, life with you is an adventure Bradshaw." Maria said with a huge smiled. Then he pressed his lips to hers.

Bradley pulled away as they looked at the photos. "Maria?" Both Bradley and Maria turned to see Melody. "Oh my goodness Mel." Maria said as she pulled her into a hug. "Does your father know your back?" Maria then asked. "No, I'm surprising him at dinner tonight." Melody said. "Your Scoob's daughter Venom we heard about." Bradley asked. "Yep the one and only except I'm not a trouble maker like him." Melody said. Maria chuckled, "Now now, you are a goof ball like him." Maria said. Bradley nodded, Maria and Melody walked off.

Bradley looked back at the photo wall. "I promise i'll take care of her Ms. Lilly." Bradley said. Then he looked at the photo of his mom, he smiled after remembering the times she would go on and on about Maria. Then he looked at the photo his dad, Ghost, Maverick and Scoob. "Hasn't times changed." He mumbled. 

He looked at Maria. Bradley knew that his dad adore Maria, would've been tickled of hearing the idea that should be a daughter in law in the future. Because Rooster and Bambi, are not only childhood best friends, now they are lovers. 

Maria looked over to see Pete and Penny talking, she smiled. "I'm glad Maverick has somebody." Maria said. "Didn't he have Char..." Melody said. "WE Don't talk about that, thank you." Maria said. "Besides I think Scoob needs to stop sharing every detail about Top Gun." Maria said which made Melody and Bradley chuckle. "Oh by the way, congrats on being promoted to Captain." Melody said. "Thank you..." Maria said as Bradley kissed the top of her head.

Pete smiled at the Trio as they were chatting away, He was back on good terms with Bradley and Maria, he couldn't wait to see what the future holds for the couple.

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