"The food?" Will asked.

"Was okay. I meant the porch. You could increase seating during the busiest seasons."

"And reduce it in the winter." Will needed business to be steady.

"Maybe but the only time it's packed in the winter is for the coffeehouse and during snowstorms."

"Snowstorms are a restaurant's worst nightmare."

Alex laughed. "Just you wait. Not on The Point."

Will hadn't been around for a snowstorm, but there was a big spring rain and wind storm right after he came. Neighbors gathered to socialize. The power hadn't gone off, but he heard stories of storms when it had. Remember the big storm last year... the year before... the one with the snow... the flooding... The stories went on. Will wondered if people ate or just talked during the storms.

Alex and Kat talked about options. Alex said, "I think the porch idea will work." He scanned the room and sized it up.

"Wouldn't it be a big deal?" Will asked.

"Porches go up quickly. The inside changes could be modular to avoid disrupting business."

"Modular?" Both said at once.

"I can build it off site. Do you envision closing it up or letting customers watch you work?"

Kat paused and Will jumped in. "I hope this owner has deep pockets."

Alex smirked. "I love Kat's baking. She'll make The Landing known as the best place to buy pastries."

Will looked at Alex. If his glare could speak it would say traitor. "You only ate one turnover."

Alex laughed and shook his head. "She baked for Rick in the apartment and I'm family."

Will frowned. "I moved furniture."

"Don't worry. If I get permission to bake, I'll slip you some seconds."


"Less than perfectly presentable ones."

"Sounds like a waste. Sell them at a discount."

Alex laughed. "You sure you didn't major in business, not finance?"

"I took plenty of business courses too."

Kat looked surprised. "Why are you...?"

Will stepped forward. "Alex, can we talk?"

Alex nodded. "Come to my truck. I want to get some measurements just in case."

Will followed him into the parking lot and climbed into the passenger seat. "Whose side are you on?"

He chuckled. "The Landing's. You know you'll get a family discount."

"I would like her better if she didn't want to change things."

"Change can be good. It will still be the same, but with better pastries and seating. You have plenty of property to extend the building with a porch."

"What about bumping out the storeroom?"

Alex smiled. "You could do that and the porch. I predict business is going to boom."

"Because of a few turnovers?"

"It'll be way more and much better."

Will groaned. "I should give you a blank check."

"Kid. When you get too old to play, you'll have this place. You can be Rick shooting the shit all day."

Will planned to play into his late thirties. Kat would be long gone by then.

Alex laughed at his frown. "Should I send my estimates to you or Kat?"

"Kat. She's supposed to do the legwork."

Alex opened his door. "Come on, boss man." Then he laughed at himself.

Instead of going in, Will went for a walk. He wandered down towards Puffin Lane. On the end close to River Road, Rick's cottage looked welcoming. His legs steered him to the door as if his brain had no control.

After a light tap of his knuckles, Alice appeared. "Hi, Will. Come on in. You look more and more like your father every day."

He chuckled. "You didn't know my father when he was young."

"True. Lana was a baby when the two doctors from Massachusetts bought their cottage. Things were turning over. Older people were selling and a younger group was moving in."

"You've seen a lot of changes."

"We have." Rick nodded. "Did you know Kat's one of us?"

Will shrugged. "She hasn't lived here a month yet."

Rick smiled. "But her grandmother's family owned a cottage. Her grandparents honeymooned here."


Rick shook his head. "It's what brought her to us. What caused you to stop by? Buyer's remorse?"

"She wants to have space to bake and now Alex has this idea about a big porch."

Rick smiled. "He tried to sell me on a porch. I was too close to retiring to consider it." He pressed his hands together. "I can see it improving the place. More seating in the summer. People always complained when the tables were full."

Alice said, "She certainly can bake. Her double chocolate muffins put ours to shame."

The ones they sold were previously frozen, but their customers bought them. Will had eaten plenty in his youth, but nowadays his breakfasts contained more proteins than simple carbs. During the season, he ate more calories but kept them clean, no chemicals or additives. If Kat started baking how would he switch his diet. The first step was to stop eating every meal at The Landing.

Rick laughed. "You paid me a quarter of your signing bonus. You can afford to make the place better."

Between Ryan and his dad, Will hadn't gone crazy when he earned millions just by signing on with the team. His degree in finance was to ensure he would make sound decisions when he made it to the NFL. Wise investments and limited spending had protected his money, at least until he bought a business he knew nothing about.

"I don't want to change it."

"Kid, change is a good thing. I'm happy after changing my life. I know the building at the corner isn't mine anymore, and I don't care what you do as long as it is still a place for my family..." He stretched out his arms. "My Point family to gather and laugh. Don't decide based on what you think I would want. It's your headache now."

Will frowned, but Alice laughed. "He's kidding with you."

Rick smiled. "My door is open to give advice, but you're in the driver's seat."

Will felt like Kat wanted to be in charge. Later after Will went home to cook a healthy dinner, Rory texted. Wanna watch Sam's special with us tomorrow night?

It was draft weekend. Will could still remember the excitement and the nerves. Most of the moments after being picked were a blur. He felt the nostalgia for an emotional moment he could never recreate. Winning a Super Bowl would come close. A bunch of kids would hear their names called by the teams which wanted them. He rubbed his arms. It gave him chills.

After he responded. Rory sent a message. Dinner at The Landing 6pm. So much for eating healthy.

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