Nick rolled his eyes. "I'm telling my mother you don't know how old her kids are."

Drew looked up like he was solving a complex math problem in his head. "If you're twenty-one, then I'm really old."

Nick patted him on his back and laughed. "Nick, are you teasing your uncle?" His grandfather appeared.

"Only because he didn't know how old I am. Can I talk to you for a minute?"

Ed Pelletier led his grandson into the study. "You're not in trouble."


"Promise you'll come to me no matter how bad it is."

"Have we met before? I don't get in trouble." A part of Nick wanted to tell him about the detective, but his grandfather wasn't a criminal attorney. "How did you handle the sale without finding out who was behind the buyer?"

He smiled. "I'll answer you the same as everyone else. I read the contract and haggled over some language changes. They had already agreed on the price, so it was easy. I only dealt with the buyer's attorney."

"Were they local?"

He nodded. "A firm out of Portland. It's the best kept secret around. I'm not sure Rick knows."

"You aren't helping. I thought I had an in."

"Sorry, buddy, not this time."

After he finished his beer, he and his friends took a walk down the beach. Once away from all the people they sat on the cool sand.

Nick thought of all the nights in the lobby wishing he was on the beach. "I waited a long time for this moment."

Ben laughed. "You have summer year round. We had the cold and snow."

"I mean here with my friends."

"What about your girlfriend? Is it serious?" Ivy asked.

"No." Nick laughed. "Definitely not serious. Not like those two sucking on each other."

Sophie giggled. "Why do we bring them?"

Keira snickered. "I heard you."

Nick asked, "What are you doing this summer, Keira?"

"Working at the hospital." She was studying nursing at the university in Portland.

Ben laughed. "Only you and Ivy have easy jobs."

"Easy." Ivy raised her voice. "A never ending line. Hot coffee burns. Tourists. Please."

"Yeah, you sit in a cushy office and we're on our feet." Nick joined in.

"Hey, I'm on my feet too." Keira jumped to her defense.

"I'm getting paid next to nothing," Sophie complained.

"Not Ben. He's making the big bucks." Ivy pointed to her brother.

"I graduated. Sorry, I'm older."

Keira whispered to Ben, and they started kissing. Nick jumped up. "I'm wiped. Anyone heading back?"


"Me, too." Ivy and Sophie both stood up. "Bye guys," Sophie added.

With his sister's arm looped around his, Nick led the way in the dark. Ivy moved to his other side and hung on his arm. He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, but didn't pull it out. It had been blowing up all night.

Once in front of their houses, Ivy let go. "Bye. Sophie, good luck on your first day. Nick, I'll see you in the afternoon."

He could sleep in because he didn't need to wake until after noon. Sleeping in his own bed beat the dorms. Once alone in his room, he looked at his missed texts. They ranged from this is my salad and colorful drink to why won't you respond.

Nick sent a message. Went to the retirement party. I just got home. Going to sleep. Had he told her about Rick? Nick didn't talk about his life at home. Sometimes he wondered what he and Trinity talked about. Not global issues, because he earned an A, and she squeaked by with a C. A C grade stood for credit, but it didn't help get a grad school acceptance. Nick went to sleep without waiting for her reply. If he thought about it, he would realize his dick was his only organ involved in the relationship.

It was silly to be nervous when he left for work. He had been working at The Landing for six years and was good at his job. After waking up late to an empty house, he looked forward to some social interaction. Two people stopped him on his short walk to work to tell him about the new turnovers.

Ivy had a smile on her face when he entered. Her scent was the familiar aroma of coffee and something sweet. "How did it go?"

"Busy. Everyone wants to see if anything has changed. The only thing was the turnovers."

He nodded, as Kat asked them if they had known each other long because it was like asking if the sky was blue. After Ivy left, he questioned Kat about her mystery boss. It was a mystery, and he was determined to solve it. Unfortunately, his grandfather hadn't helped.

Ivy was right, everyone wanted to check out the lobster rolls including his own family. How embarrassing. At least the coffeehouses would continue.

As Nick worked, he listened to the exchange between Will and his new boss, Kat. He chuckled when Kat thought the professional football player was a lifeguard. Maybe he had two mysteries to solve. The second was why Will hid his profession from The Point's newest resident.

At home after his shift, Nick sat down to eat his lobster roll. His mother sat at the table correcting papers. "How was it with the new boss?"

"It was fine. Busy, because everyone wanted to check out the lobster rolls." He rolled his eyes.

"They tasted as good as when I used to make them."

"Me too," Peter added.

"I made yours."

"With love." His dad teased as he ruffled his hair.

"Where's Soph?"

"Across the street."

"How was her first day? I should check with Ben about his too."

"Eat first. I'm sure they're expecting you."

Before he finished his dinner, his phone rang. "I, um, we never hooked up yesterday."

His father said under his breath. "That's what the dorms were for."

Megan glared at her husband. "Don't encourage him."

Nick grabbed his sandwich and stood as he answered. "Hey, I just got out of work."

"This late?"

He chuckled. "I slept until noon. What did you do?" He walked away from his parents out to the porch.

"Slept in. Not much. I'm meeting up with friends in a few."

"Okay. Have fun."

"Bye. Miss you."

"Yeah, me too." Did he?

After finishing his last few bites, he brought his trash inside. "I'm going across the street."

"You didn't talk long."

He shrugged at his mother's comment. "She's going out."

"I feel better about your long distance relationship than when you..."

"Were messing around in the dorms."


Peter shrugged. "We've had this talk before. Is she your best friend?"

Nick rolled his eyes. "I'm going across the street."

"Ben might not admit it, but Keira's his best friend."

Nick didn't respond, but he knew his dad was right.

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