She wrinkled her nose. "Not really. Just enough to know it's American."

"New England?"

She thought and shook her head. "No, I don't think so."

Nick frowned. "I like a good mystery."

"I'm going out while it's slow. I'll be back before the dinner crowd."

Nick laughed. "It's a Monday in early May, there won't be a crowd."

"Lunch was busy. Everyone wants to make sure the lobster rolls taste the same."

"They'll be disappointed there's no new dessert."

She shook her head, but she had ideas that went beyond turnovers. "I'll be back." She grabbed her sweatshirt and stepped out into the cool air. It wasn't like winter, but the breeze off the cold water kept the air cool. She had heard enough weather talk to know it was always warmer up in town.

She walked straight down to the beach passing by Rick's daughter's house. She heard children's laughter and voices. On The Point, kids played after school. In Boston, they were at daycare until it was dark. It reminded her of when she was a kid running around the neighborhood.

When she crossed the street to the beach, the wind whipped her hair. Her hand went up to move it out of her face, as she looked out at the ocean. People littered the beach. Adults walked. More kids played. She watched as a figure ran back and forth short distances. She stepped onto the beach and walked the other way.

Tilting her head up, she breathed in the salty air. She lived by the raging sea and windy shore. Gulls walked around the sand minding their business. As she passed The Beach House, she wondered about their restaurant. Was the food good? Maybe she would go for a drink on the large deck one night. Everyone said to go early before the tourists came.

It felt like a gigantic wave was heading their way and everyone understood it except her. How many people could The Point hold? According to Ivy, The Landing had lines out the door for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. As much as she didn't believe it, she couldn't wait.

When she walked back, Nick had six empty rolls on the grill, but the place was empty. "What's going on?"

"Phone order. The Taylor's are having lobster rolls for dinner."


Nick laughed. "Lily is one of Rick's alums. You'll get to know Mr. Taylor on weekends. He hangs around like Mr. Harris and Dr. Drake. There are a lot of them."

"Them?" Kat wrinkled her brow as she washed her hands.

"Men who like to socialize."

"It's The Point. Everyone socializes and from what I can tell quite a few don't work."

Nick laughed. "Some are retired." He filled the rolls and Kat wrapped them up.

A pregnant woman stepped through the door. "Hi Nick."

"They're just about done, Phoebe."

"Good, because I'm too big to fit back there. I thought it might be busier."

"It's Monday and cold."

She smiled. "True. We haven't met. I'm Phoebe Taylor."

"She's an alum too."

Kat smiled. "Do you live on The Point?"

The beautiful girl glowed as she laughed. "We live in town, but my parents live here and my in-laws have a cottage. I'm here a lot."

Nick had completed the transaction while she spoke. On the way out, she waved. "Good luck."

"She's nice."

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