CHAPTER 12 Annelise

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Tears fall down my cheeks.

How could he do that to me? And the day i realised something different was growing between us... No. Nothing was growing, l was just foolish and stupid and careless and-

I collapse to my knees covering my face with my hand. Mother lied to me. Dorian lied to me. I'm all alone in a kingdom l never knew even existed...

I cleng my dress with my fist. No. I am a princess and i should act like one. I might have lived inside a tower my whole life but l now know what l was missing. I'm going to fix this. I need to find my parents. Maybe l should ask the locals where the palace is. I start walking toward the village again. Wait. What village? Where am l?

Dorian teleported us with his magic marble, i suppose he stole from a shop when i was not looking. I shake my head. Let's stop thinking about him. My eyes open wide as l notice a dark purple castle in front of me. There are a lot of crows around it, l hear them and feel their deadly presence. My skin shivers and the sun is starting to set. I hug myself as i bring myself courage to knock the door.

Maybe the owner could help me or at least let me stay here for the night? I raise my hand and give the wooden vintage door three knocks. Now I'm just standing there awkwardly waiting for an answer back. A minute passes as l loose my hope and lower my gaze. To my surprise the door opens by a beautiful lady that seems a little older than me, her purple eyes curious and her black hair falls like a waterfall on her shoulder.

She shows half her face grabbing the end of the door. She frowns. Oh. I must have been looking at her a little too obvious. I clear my throat as i say "I am dearly sorry for the disturbance. My name is Annelise Vale and l believe l am lost." I hesitate before asking "Could I spend the night here? I know it must be sudden but I know no one here and... I'm from Atlantica, you see."

That speech was cringe. I bite my lower lip in frustration. Why did i say it like that? Was it necessary to let her know where l come from? I shake my head lightly realising it too late. The lady smiles in return, opening the door farther. "Your hair...!" She looks lost for a moment "Please come inside."

And I do as she says. The castle from inside is less scary than the outside. Everything is shiny and... Well, shiny. "My name is Victoria. I am the eldest daughter of the grand duke. Please make yourself comfortable." Her hand gracefully pointing at the couch. I take a sit and after a minute she joins me. "How did you get lost dear?" She asks as at the end she waves her hand on a maid signalling her to bring us tea. I have read about houses like this in my books.

"Are you cold dear? Should l prepare you a shower?" She recommends "Yeah..." She breaths moving her finger on her lips "I shall do that." Her happy gaze finds mine. Victoria asks a servant to prepare my bath with the best rose petals, although i try to protest she waves me off in rejection, her eyes closed. "You are my guest and I may treat you the best."

I say no more. The tea is ready, served at the low table in front of the couch. Victoria gracefully holds hers and as she takes a sip and asks me "So, how was your life in Atlantica?"

I take a small moment to answer. "Not what i thought it was. I was trapped inside a tower all my life and was forbidden to get out." "So you decided to escape, i guess?"

"Exactly. During my runaway l met a boy from Atlanta who offered me a safe journey here. He recognised that I was no regular peasant when l myself had no idea. And so i ended up here."

"A boy?" She breaths looking sceptical then turns to me "Tell me more about this boy. What's his name? I suppose you lost him at the magical forest, l may be able to help you find him."

"No. Never do l want to see his face again." I cross my arms almost regretting the lie i just let out of my mouth. "He... He betrayed me." I turn the other way.

"Sorry if I'm asking too much but in what way did he betray you, darling?" Victoria asks. I frown, for some reason she kind of reminds me of... him. "He was asked to look for me and bring me to his superior. I was informed to be taken here in exchange for my necklace. His superior which l recognised as his father decided to reveal their whole plan."

"A necklace?"

"Yes. I didn't know it then but the necklace, the person i thought was my mother gifted me, was a magic one. One to-" "Hide your true appearance." Victoria continues my sentence. I nod.

"She knew..." Victoria covers her mouth "She knew you were the lost princess!" Her eyes wide and her cup of tea rests on the table. "I can't even keep it a secret." I blur, angry with myself for actually revealing my life story to a complete stranger.

"Then, your dearest highness," she begins "l shall ask you kne more question."

I nod "Go on."

"Was the boy's name Dorian Ryder?" Her voice slow and steady, her eyes on me.

"How did you-"

She cuts me with a sigh "He's my brother, my stupid little brother." She shakes her head. And oh crap am i embarrassed, just sitting there wide eyed.

Right at that moment the servant from before informs us that the bath water is ready and Victoria herself leads me to the bath room holding a gown of her own. She hands it to me to wear.


After l bathed we talked for hours and naturally sleep took us to dreams. We laughed and joked as if we were old childhood friends that were reunited again. It turns out Victoria is one year older that Dorian, she's trying to gain the title of their family's head by living on her own for now. She knew Dorian would be send to find me because his father wanted to make good money out of me. He wished to sell me to others who would either sell me to others or kill me themselves. "But now, due to your exit some hours ago, l don't think he is willing to sell you any more. So, be careful. I know my father well enough to know that when he gets angry he is desperate for severe punishment and the way tou flew must have made him furious." I remember her saying.

The next day, l woke up in a room, nothing like the inn's or my old one. That room was like a princess's and l happen to be one, like l always dreamt. Anyways, we ate breakfast and after a sweet morning chat l had to go. Victoria is now at the door waving at me. I wave her back and promise her my safe journey to the palace. Her door closes and i don't see her any more.

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