CHAPTER 8 Annelise

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I try to find Ryder's eyes but there are four of them. What pair is the real one? I frown.

Suddenly Ryder pushes me back placing his hands around my body. Next thing i know his face is coming more and more closer to mine. What is he doing? I can't see clearly and sleep slowly takes me away. I close my eyes. And i immediately open them as soon as i feel icy water on my legs.

Ryder is already looking down at the broken boat panicked. I cap his shoulder in my hand giving him a reassuring look. He has no time to return it as the boat falls apart and we fall on the water. No.

"Anna?" I hear blurry him shout. My name is not Anna. I open my mouth to answer him but water enters. I can see nothing. I raise my hand.

The water is cold, very cold. I can't breathe. It's too dark in here. I feel cold. Suddenly the water around me turns colourful. Tiny shiny sparkles surrounding me as i close my eyes and feel nothing at all. Not even the cold water.

I don't know how to swim. I never had the chance to learn.

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