CHAPTER 2 Annelise

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When i was outside of the tower, far enough from the building i starred at it.

It is marvellous even though i can't see it's colours clearly due to the absence of the sun

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It is marvellous even though i can't see it's colours clearly due to the absence of the sun. The architecture is historical and enchanting, not exactly like the inside.

Alright, so the tower is surrounded by trees, dead and alive. When i was younger i would put a chair outside the window and just stare at the street market, at the people that were so similar to me yet so different. I used to notice their appearance, what they wore, how they walked, how they payed, how they laughed. They were too far for me to see too many reactions or clearly but i could see enough. Enough to notice that the street market was placed behind the south direction of the trees. And so i started my runaway journey walking there.

It's past midnight. Thankfully the weather was cooperative. Summer is coming.

During my long long walk i scanned every little detail of the small forest. I touched trees for the first time then I removed my shoes and allowed my feet to feel the grass. Occasionally i would hear a monstrous growling and a big splash on the water. It must be coming from the sparkling sea a little far from here.

A creature quite mythical. I imagine it like a water dragon like those i read in the books. I was never lucky enough to witness it's appearance.

I stop walking as i spot the first other building i see from up close except the tower. A house. And it felt like a dream. I'm not dreaming all of this, am i? I wonder as i poke my cheek, hard.

"Ouch" looks like I'm not.

I continue my walk. It's surely past midnight. About 4-5 in the morning i guess. After about an hour i reach the village. And oh stars I'm stunned. I just stand at a corner wide eyed watching people prepare their stalls for the market that will start in a while.

My hood falls off my head as the wind hits my face. I close my eyes with enjoyment breathing in and out, smelling it's beauty and freedom. The birds are chipping, the sand smells like the forest, people are greeting and helping one another. A tear falls down my cheek as i realise that I've actually made it.

The sun is slowly making it's way up the mountains that cover him and the market slowly comes to life as people get out of their houses.

Suddenly i feel something bump on my knee. I look down at a child, a little boy. The child looks at me as if it just saw the love of his life. I let my head fall to its right side in confusion. "Are you alright little prince?" I lean giving him my hand to help him stand up.

The child nods and accepts my hand as it murmurs something too soundless for me to hear. "Your hair..." The little boy then says "I've never seen a colour like that. It reminds me of cherries. I love cherries." The little boy said still looking at me like he's enchanted.

I smile sweetly as i pat the little boy's head softly. The next moment a stranger kicks the child and continues his walk. "Ouch!" The little child pleads from the pain i can imagine.

"Eric!" A woman called from the background. The little boy turned his head toward the sound of the voice and shouted "Mother!" He smiles and runs to her arms as she hugs him softly lifting him. I turn my head from them. A tear falls down my cheek again. I have a mother too. Why haven't she ever hugged me so gently? I hug my arms in frustration and sadness.

"Useless people," the man who kicked the little boy mutters as he kicks some dirty stones which land on a sleeping dog. The dog instantly wakes up and aggressively barks at the old man desperately trying to bite him but unable due to it being bond with a thick string on a house's railings. I look at the man smirk to the dog. "They only fill this village with their dirt."

The barking stops as my gaze meets the dog's. I look at the creature with pure confusion as it sits on the ground. I return my hood to its original place, covering my hair and walk to the dog. For a moment we just stare at each other. I lean and raise my hand ready to pat the cute dogs head. And when my hand touches it's fluffy fur the dog makes a sound similar to a cry of happiness. I smile as it pushes it's cheek to my hand. "Sleep well, sweetie." I say softly as i kiss the dogs head.

The dog fell asleep as if a magic spell was cast on it and i blink twice as i try to realise what is happening. The dog must have been exhausted judging from how quickly it fell asleep.

"Garbage" the man went on. An other man joins him. I turn to continue my way towards the opposite direction until i hear something familiar. "They would be dead if i was from Atlanta. Even as an elf my power would be enough to kill a dog." The same fat man says as the tall one that joined him chuckles unkindly. At that moment a feeling like rage sinks my heart, i feel as if they just cursed me. My heart felt like dropping ots beet.

"Maybe we should move there." The tall man recommends "The only problem with that is a war exploding between the two kingdoms" "And the fact that they would never let us snik inside. You must have forgotten that us humans are not allowed to visit let alone lay our eyes on the magic kingdom."

"Life is unfair." The tall man complains.

"Nah. Forget it man. Atlanta is too girly for us. This myth about the lost princess that will save both Atlanta and Atlantica from the monster of the sparkling sea is just too fake." The fat man says.

I cleng my heart with my hand as i feel the air draining out of me. I try to calm down and take slow even breaths as i lean on a wall for support. This happens to me regularly due to some unknown reason.

"But imagine your blood glittering or having magical powers." The tall man says with something like hope in his eyes. "You're too old for that, Eddie." The fat man laughs. "Unfortunately, your blood is ordinary like everyone else's in Atlantica if otherwise you can move to your mythical Atlanta as a very cute fairy."

The tall man looks at his shoes quite embarrassed then laughs. I watch the men walking away from me.

I frown trying to put together what i just heard. Two kingdoms? The one named Atlanta having elves and fairies living in it and the other named Atlantica make home for humans? How come mother never talked to me about that? And oh! The magic creatures's blood is supposed to glitter? Exactly like mine-

I open my eyes wide as i cover my mouth with my one hand as the other still helps me keep standing with the help of the wall. Am I one of them?


That can't be it. Mother would never keep such a big secret from me. Maybe i just heard them wrong. Yeah that must be it. A wave of panic washes over me. Maybe i shouldn't have run away in the first place.

She always warned me about the outside world. That people wanted to kill me, that they shouldn't discover my existence, that i would never get out of the tower.

I hurry through the crowd of the street market panicked. What should I do? If i start my way back right now i might be back before mother. And if i don't she might get worried. How didn't i think of this? I was going to disappear for four days or more and i didn't even write her a note letting her know.

Suddenly, I bump into something hard, a person. "I-I'm sorry! Are you alright?" I apologise rashly ready to continue my way as soon as i hear a positive response.

"You are not supposed to be able to see me." A young male voice was heard, maybe the same age as me. I turn to face him but he's already gone like smoke living me confused paused letting the crowd pass me.

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