It was a subtle victory for Meerab. She settled comfortably in the passenger seat beside Murtasim, a sense of contentment washing over her as they prepared to embark on the journey together.

Almost two hours into their journey, Meerab observed Murtasim bringing the car to a stop amidst the vast expanse of fields, while the other car continued on its way towards their village mansion. She furrowed her brow in confusion at the unexpected pause.

Noticing her puzzled expression, Murtasim turned to her and explained, "I have a few things I need to attend to here. It'll take barely half an hour. Please stay seated in the car until I return."

With a hint of irritation in her voice, she replied, "Murtasim, it would have been nice if you'd taken me with you." Her disappointment was evident, but she tried to keep her emotions in check, not wanting to escalate the situation further.

Murtasim looked at Meerab, realizing that his decision had upset her. He sighed, understanding her perspective, and explained, "I know, Meerab, but the things I need to attend to won't be pleasant, and I thought it would be best if you didn't have to witness them. I promise it won't take long, and we'll be back on the road together soon."

Meerab's anger subsided as she comprehended his reasoning. She nodded reluctantly, her frustration giving way to concern for Murtasim's well-being. "Alright, just be careful," she said, her voice softening as she placed a hand on his arm.

Murtasim offered her a reassuring smile and a brief touch to her hand. "I will, Meerab. I'll be back before you know it." With that, he exited the car and headed towards his tasks, leaving Meerab to wait with a mixture of emotions in her heart.

As half an hour stretched into what felt like an eternity, Murtasim did not return as promised. Meerab's initial concern turned into frustration, and a sense of bitterness began to creep in. She had agreed to wait patiently, but his prolonged absence left her feeling neglected and disregarded.

Unable to bear the confinement of the car any longer, and fueled by her growing resentment, Meerab decided to disobey Murtasim's request. She opened the car door and stepped outside, yearning for a breath of fresh air and a break from the stifling atmosphere inside the vehicle.

Once outside, she found herself drawn to the sprawling fields that surrounded her. The morning sun bathed the countryside in a warm, inviting glow. The fields seemed to beckon her, offering a temporary escape from her mounting frustration.

Unbeknownst to Meerab, her curiosity and growing impatience led her deeper into the fields. The tall grasses rustled in the breeze as she ventured further away from the car, her initial intention of a short walk turning into an unintended exploration of the rural landscape.

Time passed, and before she realized it, Meerab had wandered deeper into the fields, her surroundings beginning to look unfamiliar. She had unwittingly gotten herself lost, and a sense of unease began to settle in as she called out for Murtasim, realizing that she couldn't see their car from where she stood.

As panic started to grip Meerab, a voice called out from behind her. "O bibi! Humare Maalik ke kheton me kya kar rahi ho?"

Startled, she turned around swiftly to find three men, their weathered faces expressing a mixture of curiosity and suspicion. Their rifles were aimed in her direction, adding to her growing sense of alarm.

Meerab's heart raced as she realized she had inadvertently trespassed onto someone else's land, and she didn't have a clear explanation for her presence there. With a tremor in her voice, she replied, "I... I got lost. I didn't mean to enter your fields."

The men exchanged glances, their expressions unreadable. Meerab could feel their scrutiny, and she couldn't help but wonder how they would react to her unexpected intrusion.

"Abhi aur issi waqt humare sath chalo," one of the men ordered, his grip on her shoulder tight and unyielding.

Desperation welled up within Meerab as she struggled to free herself from his grasp. She knew she had to assert herself somehow. "Choro mujhe. Mei Murtasim Khan ki biwi hu agar usse pata chala tou wo tum logo ka bohot bura hashar karega," she pleaded, hoping that her connection to Murtasim might dissuade them from taking any drastic actions.

The men's laughter intensified, and their mockery stung Meerab's pride. "Khan ki biwi ki tou hum khas mehman nawazi karengy," one of them sneered, sarcasm dripping from his voice like venom.

Fear and frustration coursed through Meerab as she realized that her connection to Murtasim was doing little to deter these men. She felt helpless and vulnerable in their presence, not knowing what their intentions were or how she could escape this situation.


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