Chapter 7. Engagement

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Waqas gently knocked on the door to his daughter's bedroom. "Come in," Meerab called out warmly.

"Assalam o Alaikum, Baba. Assalam o Alaikum, Mama," she greeted her parents as soon as she saw them.

"Wa Alaikum as-salam, beta," both of them replied, taking a seat across from Meerab.

"Meerab, beta, now that you've grown up, I feel it's time to have an open conversation with you. Today, Bhabhi Begum has called some people for your marriage proposal. They are a family of ShahNawaz bhai's friend. I want you to be on your best behavior," Anila explained to her with concern.

Meerab nodded and replied, "Okay, Mama, don't worry. I'll handle it."

"I know your career is of utmost importance to you, so I spoke to them beforehand, and they have no issue if you want to study further or practice as a lawyer," Waqas assured her.

"That's great news, Baba. Thank you so much," Meerab expressed her gratitude.

"Khush raho, meri bachi," Waqas said, affectionately placing his hand on Meerab's head before he and Anila left the room.
(Stay happy my dear.)

Despite their reassuring words, Meerab couldn't help feeling nervous about the proposal. Her mind wandered back to Murtasim - his passion for photography, his smile of pride whenever he captured a perfect shot, his excitement when spotting a rare bird in the sky, especially during springtime when there were numerous types of birds in the sky. She missed the old Murtasim deeply, and his brief moment of vulnerability the other night had reminded her of the person he once was.

Yet, she couldn't ignore the stark reality that Murtasim had changed. The feudal lord persona had become his identity now. His anger, ego, and lack of empathy resembled that of Taya Jan. She questioned if he would ever be the person she once loved on the inside, or if the Khan aura had completely consumed him.

As she contemplated the upcoming proposal, Meerab couldn't help but think about the other prospective groom. He, too, belonged to a feudal lord family, but according to her parents, they were not as conservative and backward. Moreover, they supported her desire to pursue her career, which was a crucial factor for her future husband and his family.

While she remained uncertain about the outcome of the proposal, Meerab found some comfort in the notion that this new proposal didn't seem as bad as she initially feared.

As Murtasim sat in solitude, his mind couldn't help but drift back to the time when he first realized his feelings for Meerab.


Murtasim had returned from London for his summer break, and he was ecstatic to learn that Waqas Chacha was visiting. His heart skipped a beat at the thought that Meerab would be there too. He yearned to see her innocent face, with her brown curls partially covering it, and those bright coffee brown eyes that always lit up when she saw him.

"Murtasimmmmm!" A familiar scream echoed through the house, and he couldn't help but smile. She was always so exuberant.

"When did you arrive? Did you like London more than Hyderabad? Did you miss all of us here? How were your studies? What was the weather like there?" she bombarded him with questions, her excitement infectious.

"Meerab beta, let Murtasim come inside," a deep voice echoed.

"Yes, Taya Jan, I'm sorry," she responded, suddenly quiet.

His father was the only one who could get Meerab to hush. He looked up at his father and greeted him, "Assalam o Alaikum, Baba."

"Wa Alaikum as-salam, beta."

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