Chapter 16. The Family Jewels

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Murtasim left for the village shortly after their return to Hyderabad. While Meerab was freshening up in their room, Tayi Jan's personal maid arrived to summon her. Keeping Murtasim's advice about respecting Tayi Jan's wishes in mind, Meerab made her way to the living room to address her request.

"Did you call for me, Tayi Jan?" Meerab inquired as she entered the room.

"Yes, Meerab. I thought it's time to gradually acquaint you with your responsibilities. Also, from now on, you should address me as 'Maa Begum' just like Murtasim and Marium do," she instructed.

"Of course, Maa Begum," Meerab muttered respectfully.

"Come, have a seat here," Salma Begum gestured to the spot on the sofa beside her. Meerab complied, taking the indicated seat.

Just then, Haya entered the room, about to speak, but Salma Begum interrupted her. "Whatever matter you have can wait, Haya. I'm busy at the moment."

With a submissive "Yes," Haya left the room.

Salma Begum held a substantial jewelry box in her hands, its weight evident.

"These are our family heirlooms, passed down through generations. These jewels were gifted to me by my mother-in-law, and now I'm giving them to you. They hold great value, not just monetarily, but in terms of our family's honor. So, you must take utmost care of them," Salma Begum said, her voice carrying a sense of importance.

"Of course, Maa Begum. You can trust me with their safekeeping," Meerab assured.

"Very well, then go and keep them safely," Maa Begum cautioned.

Meerab nodded, excusing herself to her room. Upon entering her room, she thought she caught a glimpse of a shadow near her bed. However, upon closer inspection, she found no one there and attributed it to the play of light.

Closing her room's door behind her, she locked it to prevent any unwanted interruptions. She then went to her closet, opened a drawer, and gently placed the jewelry box inside. After securely closing the drawer, she locked it and hid the key within her makeup organizer, a spot she believed no one would think to look.

Satisfied with her cautious approach, she exited her room, leaving her concerns behind. Unbeknownst to her, as soon as she left, Haya emerged from her hiding place under the bed. She had been admiring pictures of Murtasim in his room and had taken refuge under the bed when she heard Meerab approaching. Observing Meerab's actions from beneath the bed, Haya's heart swelled with envy. She would have been the rightful owner of those cherished family jewels if Meerab hadn't come into the picture. Just then an evil notion started to take shape within her mind.


It was several days later, and the entire household was abuzz with preparations for the upcoming Walima ceremony. Despite her best efforts to remain composed, Meerab found herself missing Murtasim's presence more than she cared to admit. Unwillingly, a nagging worry about his well-being had taken root in the depths of her heart, especially considering the potential complications at the village.

Seated in her room, Meerab stared blankly ahead. Her Walima dress lay elegantly spread across the bed in front of her, awaiting her scrutiny to ensure the fit was impeccable.

She took a deep breath, then methodically put on the dress. As she gazed at her reflection in the mirror, a cascade of thoughts tumbled through her mind. What would Murtasim say if he saw her in this outfit? Would he offer compliments? Would his gaze linger, perhaps carrying a hint of appreciation? Quickly shaking off those thoughts, she redirected her focus. This wasn't the time to dwell on him or his potential reactions.

"Murtasim Bhai ki yaad aa rahi hai Meerab?" Marium's playful voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Nothing of the sort," Meerab responded, feeling a warmth creep up her cheeks.

Marium raised a dubious eyebrow. "Chalo man lete hain ke tum unhe miss nahi kar rahi," she quipped before shifting topics. "Oh, by the way, Maa Begum asked for the jewelry box; she needs to select some pieces for you."

"Alright, I'll get it," Meerab replied.

As Marium left the room, Meerab extended her hand to retrieve the key from the drawer where she had securely placed the jewelry box. Just as she was about to retrieve the key, a sudden clearing of the throat echoed behind her. Then, in a barely audible whisper, came a word that took her off guard - "Beautiful."

Startled by the unexpected comment, Meerab's fingers faltered, and the key slipped from her grip, landing with a soft clatter.

"Aese tou nahi chalega, Meerab," he stated, his voice edged with a teasing note.

"What do you mean?" she questioned, trying to regain her composure even though she was sure that she was blushing.

"If a simple compliment has you blushing so, what will happen when bigger moments come?" His tone carried a playful undertone.

Meerab's heart raced, a mixture of embarrassment and something else she couldn't quite decipher swirling within her. She looked at him, her eyes silently urging him to clarify.

He stepped closer, a small smile gracing his lips. "After all, if you're blushing like this over a small compliment now, what will you do when there's more... intimate admiration to contend with?"

Meerab's cheeks flushed even deeper at his implication. She was left both flustered and intrigued by his words, her mind racing as he lingered in the doorway, a knowing smile playing on his lips.

She inhaled sharply, her attempt to mask her embarrassment slowly transforming into a thin veneer of annoyance. With a controlled exhale, she turned to face him, her expression adopting a subtly defensive edge.

Murtasim's smile seemed to widen imperceptibly, as if he had anticipated her reaction. His gaze held hers, the air around them laden with unspoken dynamics.

Meerab's lips parted, her tone firm yet laced with an undercurrent of concealed emotions. "You really have an impressive way of making yourself present at the most inconvenient times."

His eyebrows quirked slightly, a spark of amusement dancing in his eyes. "My apologies for disrupting your solitude. It seems my impeccable timing is to blame."

Her fingers curled into a barely perceptible fist, her anger masking the fluttering uncertainty beneath the surface. "It's not about solitude, Murtasim. It's about respecting personal space."

His expression softened, as if recognizing the layers of her emotions beneath her words. "I understand," he replied, his tone more sincere now.

She let a moment of tense silence linger, her gaze steady and unwavering. "If you're quite finished with your observations," she continued, her voice carrying a note of sarcasm, "I have Walima preparations to attend to."

His lips curved into a smirk. "Of course, I wouldn't want to hinder your important task of Walima preparations."

Turning away from him, Meerab bent down to pick up the key she'd dropped. She then went towards the closet, opened it and unlocked the drawer. Much to her shock and dismay the drawer was empty.


Uh-oh looks like Haya carried out her plan. How do you think Maa Begum will react when she finds out?

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