Chapter 5. Making Amends

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Since the Naseeb incident, his dormant feelings for Meerab had resurfaced with a newfound intensity. Thoughts of her consumed his mind once again, prompting him to take action. He had deliberately kept his distance from her, fearing that his heart would rekindle its affection for her the moment he laid eyes on Meerab.

He understood that he could never recreate the past when they shared a profound bond of friendship, and perhaps something deeper. However, he believed he could make an effort. He wanted to reestablish their friendship, to regain her trust. They might never be life partners due to the stark differences in their respective lifestyles, but they could at least be friends.

Knowing how much Meerab enjoyed social gatherings and parties, he decided to take charge of planning her 25th birthday himself. He aimed to make it a perfect celebration for her.

After numerous calls to event planners and countless meetings, he finally accomplished the task. Now, all he had to do was wait for the day to arrive and then surprise Meerab by personally bringing her from Karachi.

After a quick lunch on Meerab's big day, he embarked on his journey to Karachi. He anticipated reaching his destination by evening, hoping that by then the party organized by Meerab's friends would have concluded. If, by chance, it was still ongoing, he was prepared to patiently wait. Little did he expect the scene that awaited him at the party.

As he arrived at the venue, his eyes fell upon Meerab, her face adorned with a radiant smile as she delicately cut the birthday cake. Surrounded by her friends, she exuded sheer joy. Although he felt a twinge of unease seeing Meerab standing in close proximity to a male friend, he resolved not to let such a minor detail dampen his spirits.

Preferring to observe quietly from a corner, he didn't want to risk spoiling Meerab's special day by making his presence known. However, his contentment was short-lived when he witnessed the male friend kneeling down, producing a small box containing a ring. Startled, he swiftly rose from his seat and made his way toward Meerab, his guards following closely behind.

Reaching out from behind her, he gently grasped her hand, just as the friend asked for her hand in marriage. By observing the expression on Meerab's face, he had inferred that her response might be negative, but he yearned for certainty.

Once inside his car, he sought clarification, desperately hoping that his assumptions were incorrect. However, her answer made him regret the question. His final glimmer of hope for reconciliation with Meerab now rested solely on the birthday surprise he had planned. He could only pray that no further complications would arise, jeopardizing any chance of rekindling their relationship.

The drive to the Khan Mansion passed in silence, each of them engulfed in their own thoughts.


As soon as he stopped the car at the Khan Mansion, Meerab immediately jumped out not wanting to spend even a second longer than necessary with Murtasim.

But what she saw there took her breath away. The garden had been meticulously arranged to host a gathering of their closest family members. The atmosphere exuded a sense of familiarity and warmth, creating an environment perfect for cherishing special moments with loved ones.

Soft string lights were delicately strung across the garden, casting a gentle glow that illuminated the space. The lights intertwined with the branches of the surrounding trees, creating a cozy and inviting ambiance. Lanterns hung from the branches, their soft glow adding a touch of whimsy to the surroundings.

A long, elegantly decorated table stretched across the garden, adorned with a beautiful floral centerpiece. The centerpiece featured a blend of vibrant blooms, carefully arranged to create a harmonious display of colors and scents. Each place setting was meticulously arranged, with fine china and polished silverware, evoking a sense of elegance and sophistication.

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