Chapter 14. Love Of Your Life

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Meerab had returned to Karachi after a couple of days, planning to spend a few days with her Baba now that his health had improved. Despite her inner turmoil, she maintained the facade of happiness with Murtasim, not wanting to add to his stress. Meanwhile, her close friend Saba, who had come back from London, was paying her a visit.

"I'll never forgive you for missing my wedding," Meerab playfully scolded Saba.

"Hey, I apologize, my cousin's wedding in London was at the same time, you know how it is. But forget that, how's your husband?" Saba inquired with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

"He's alright," Meerab responded nonchalantly.

"Just alright? Come on, you snagged a total catch. I saw your engagement pictures," Saba nudged further.

"I didn't actually marry him," Meerab admitted, her gaze dropping.

"What? Then who did you marry? And what's the story?"


"Wow, Meerab, you tied the knot with your true love and you're telling me now? So he did have feelings for you, huh? It took you getting engaged to someone else for him to speak up?" Saba exclaimed.

"No, it's not like that. Get real, Saba," Meerab sighed in resignation.

"Come on, spill the beans, girl," Saba urged, curiosity dancing in her eyes.

And so, Meerab recounted the entire series of events that had led to her marriage with Murtasim. She carefully omitted the detail about not actually being Waqas Ahmad's daughter. She herself still needed some time to process that.

"So you're telling me he married you because your father practically begged him to?" Saba questioned, a mix of disbelief and intrigue in her voice.

"Yeah, that's pretty much it. But despite all of this, I can't help but admit that he's quite a gentleman," Meerab confessed.

"Oh, of course, now you will praise him. After all, he is your husband," Saba teased, a playful glint in her eyes.

Meerab rolled her eyes playfully, "Oh come on, don't start pulling my leg now. It's just that despite the circumstances, Murtasim has been respectful and considerate. I guess I can't deny that."

Saba leaned in, a knowing look in her eyes, "But is that all? There must be more to this story. How do you really feel about him?"

Meerab sighed, her gaze distant for a moment. "You know, Saba, there's a lot more to it than meets the eye. Yes, Murtasim has been kind lately, and I appreciate that. But it's complicated. Back then, I had feelings for him, but he broke my heart by suggesting he had feelings for someone else in the past. It's not easy to forget that pain."

Saba nodded, understanding the depth of Meerab's emotions. "I can imagine how confusing this must be for you. Five years can change a lot, but it doesn't erase the past. Are you willing to give him another chance?"

Meerab looked thoughtful, a mixture of hesitation and longing in her eyes. "I don't know, Saba. Part of me still feels hurt, but another part wonders if there's a chance for a fresh start. I want to make things work for Baba's sake, but I'm not sure if I can just let go of the past so easily."

Saba placed a comforting hand on Meerab's shoulder. "Take your time, Meerab. Don't rush into anything. Your feelings are valid, and it's okay to have reservations. Just listen to your heart and do what feels right for you."

Meerab smiled appreciatively at her friend's words. "Thanks, Saba. Your support means a lot to me."

The two friends continued to talk, their conversation shifting to lighter topics as they enjoyed each other's company, leaving the door open for deeper discussions whenever Meerab was ready.

After a while, Anila, Meerab's mother, entered the room. She smiled warmly at the sight of her daughter laughing and looking carefree, a stark contrast to the past week.

"Meerab beta, can you come outside for a moment?" Anila's voice carried a gentle tone.

"Sure, give me a moment, Saba," Meerab replied before excusing herself and following her mother outside.

"Murtasim and your Tayi Jan along with Anwar are coming over for dinner. They are visiting with the intention of asking about your father's health," Anila informed Meerab, her expression serious.

Meerab's brows furrowed slightly in confusion. "But?" She asked, sensing that there was more to the situation.

Anila continued, her tone measured. "It seems there are some official matters to discuss, and this visit is likely connected to that. I want you to dress formally since you're still a newlywed."

Meerab nodded, her mind racing with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. "Can Saba stay until then?" she asked, feeling a little nervous about their impending visit.

"Of course, that's a good idea. I'm sure Bhabhi Begum would like to meet your friend," Anila replied with a reassuring smile before excusing herself, leaving Meerab to process the upcoming dinner and its potential implications.

After Anila left, Meerab returned to the room where Saba was still sitting, engrossed in her phone.

"Saba," Meerab began, her voice tinged with a mix of uncertainty and concern, "Murtasim, Tayi Jan, and Baray Abu are coming over for dinner. It seems they want to discuss some official matters and are visiting to inquire about Baba's health."

Saba looked up from her phone, her expression shifting from casual to alert. "Oh, really? That sounds like quite a serious turn of events. Are you okay?"

Meerab sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "I'm not sure, Saba. It feels a bit overwhelming. And my mother wants me to dress formally for the occasion."

Saba raised an eyebrow teasingly. "Well, who knows, this might be your chance to make Murtasim fall head over heels for you all over again."

Meerab shot Saba a playful glare. "Stop it, Saba. This isn't some fairytale. I'm not dressing up like a princess to win anyone's heart."

Saba leaned in, a grin on her face. "Oh, come on, Meerab. You never know. A little bit of charm and elegance might just work wonders. Besides, you look gorgeous even when you're just in jeans and a t-shirt. Imagine how breathtaking you'd be in a formal outfit."

Meerab shook her head, trying not to let Saba's teasing get to her. "You and your imagination."

Saba winked. "All I'm saying is, why not put your best foot forward? Show up looking like a total knockout, and who knows, Murtasim might end up eating his words from the past."

Meerab chuckled, unable to hide her smile. "You're relentless, Saba."

"That's what friends are for," Saba said with a grin, and the two friends shared a lighthearted moment, easing some of the tension that had been building up.


Sorry no Meerasim in this chapter, but there's going to be some in the next chapter hopefully. (If I don't keep listening to sad songs like I've had a break up lol)

Also what do you all think Salma Begum has to discuss about?

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