Chapter 8. A Turn Of Events

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A couple of months had passed since Meerab's engagement, and Murtasim had been actively working with the Hyderabad police to put an end to the human trafficking operation that had plagued his village. Finally, they received a crucial tip that led them to a notorious night club on the outskirts of Hyderabad, where the kidnapped girls were being forced into prostitution.

As Murtasim and the police team approached the club, an unsettling feeling crept up inside him. He knew that this place held the grim truth of the girls' plight, and he steeled himself for what they were about to witness.

As they entered the dimly lit club, the atmosphere was suffocating, and the stench of alcohol and desperation hung in the air. Amidst the haze, Murtasim's eyes caught sight of a familiar face, and his heart sank with disbelief and rage. It was Mir Hadi, the same guy who had been engaged to Meerab.

His blood boiled as he watched the man dance with one of the girls, clearly intoxicated and behaving inappropriately with another helpless girl. The girl's laughter only intensified Murtasim's anger, knowing that she was probably masking her pain and fear behind that facade.

In that moment, everything he had held back inside him burst forth. He couldn't bear to see Meerab's fiancé involved in such despicable acts while pretending to be a respectable man. His love for Meerab had transformed into a fierce sense of protectiveness over her and all the girls who had been ensnared in this vile trade.

Without thinking, Murtasim charged towards the guy and delivered a powerful punch that sent him reeling. The shock on the man's face was evident as he struggled to comprehend what had just happened. But there was no excuse, no explanation that could justify his actions.

The police quickly intervened, trying to arrest the guy but he escaped and securing the evidence needed to shut down the club and arrest the culprits involved in the trafficking ring.

As the chaos subsided, Murtasim's emotions were in turmoil. He felt a profound sense of sorrow and anger, not just for Meerab but for all the innocent lives that had been shattered by this cruel trade.

As they escorted the girls to safety and started the process of dismantling the trafficking network, Murtasim's mind couldn't help but wander back to Meerab. He couldn't bear the thought of her being betrayed by the man whom she was betrothed to.

Reluctantly taking on the role of the bearer of unsettling news, Murtasim knew he had to inform his mother before the situation between Meerab and her fiancé advanced into further commitments. He had purposely kept himself ignorant of the wedding details, hoping he wouldn't be too late when he finally reached Hyderabad three days later.

Upon his arrival, he was taken aback to find the house eerily quiet and devoid of its usual occupants. Only a couple of servants were present, going about their daily chores. Perplexed, he turned to his trusted right-hand man, Bakhtu, hoping to find some answers.

"Kya aapko pata hai ghar khali kyun hai?" Murtasim inquired, concern etched on his face.
(Do you know why the house is empty?)

"Ji, Khanji, asal mein Waqas Sahab ki beti ki shadi hai aaj Karachi me. Sab wahin gaye honge," Bakhtu explained.
(Yes Khanji, actually it's Waqas Sahab's daughter's wedding today in Karachi. Everybody must've gone to attend the event.)

Murtasim's heart sank at the revelation. He hadn't anticipated that the wedding day had already arrived. If only he hadn't let that scumbag Mir Hadi escape that day. But he knew that even if the police had held onto him, his father was way too influential to let him stay there. He would have come out in no time.

As he contemplated the situation, Murtasim couldn't help but feel responsible for not being able to protect Meerab from such individuals.

Murtasim's heart was filled with remorse and self-reproach as he reflected on the missed opportunities to investigate Meerab's fiancé earlier. Deep down, he had always felt an uneasy feeling about the guy, but he had chosen to suppress those instincts, hoping that he was wrong or that Meerab would be happy with her chosen path.

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