Canada x India

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I couldn't complete this.:(
Suppose to be Suggestive, but not really since I didn't complete.

India was on her bed, looking onto the screen of her computer completely bored, trying to find something new. She kept on scrolling and scrolling until she found a new post, she saw one saying about a thing about chatrooms and stuff, 'must be a sponsorship' she thought. She saw the link to that website, out of curiosity, she clicked on it, it took her to the website, she saw a lot of stuff whereas they had two options: "Group chat or one to one?" Now which one should I choose huh? let's do one on one!"

Its been forty minutes and India hadn't found anyone that gets her interests. It was starting to get tiring. Most of the time she was thinking of leaving the website, but she then decided to give it a last chance. She then met with a person. He was nice they talked and talked about their favourite things.

India P.O.V.

Well, he then proceeds to give me a friend request, asking me to accept it. I did since I enjoyed his company. His username was 'Maple__'..., it was a weird username combination but whatever. We talked for many more hours. He was really fun to be with, so I didn't mind it. At least he was normal. Days went by. we were talking to each other more and more. We got really close. And as usual we were talking about our stuff.

3rd P.O.V.

Both Pakistan and Bangladesh got really curious on what India was doing as she never really been on her computer this much. "Hey Pakistan, do you know what is doing?" asked Bangladesh. Pakistan replied with a nope. "Well, she is glued to that computer screen though, there must be something going on...," said Pakistan.

"It does seem it is something private, she didn't really explain what it was when I asked who it is." Said Bangladesh. The Pakistan came up with something. ''Why don't we cheak out what it is after she leaves the computer?'' Said Pakistan ''Yeah, surely gonna find something! If it is not locked.." replied Bangladesh. "Yeah let's hope it is not."

After few days pass by, India said to her siblings that she is going out to meet a friend of hers.(omg guys she finally gonna go touch grass) India was all dressed up, with some light make up.
"Oh who's the person you are meeting up with?" Asked Bangladesh. "Oh just a close friend of mine, he invited me to his house" replied India. 'Another clue, it is a guy! He could have been the one India was with on her computer all day long!' Pakistan thought. India took some of her belongings she had on the table near by and left the house.

"Now is our chance!" Said Pakistan with a sly grin on his face, as he wanted to know what India was hiding in her laptop. Both Pakistan and Bangladesh went up to their sister's room and opened the door. It was a clean room but with few messy scarfs(shwals) and a shirt here and there but nothing too messy.

Then they sw the laptop that was on the dressing table she had. Pakistan went towards the table and took the laptop and sat on the bed along with Bangladesh. They turn on the laptop waiting for it to load and it did. But unfortunately for them they were met with a lockscreen. "Oh damn! It happend just like I said" Bangladesh told. "Of course she is going to have a lockscreen, she isnt that stupid to leave it without one." Pakistan said to Bangladesh. "Oh well, awhat do you think is the password is?" Asked Pakistan."It must be something related to her, maybe try her other name Bharat?" Told Bangladesh. Pakistan then quickly typed it but it was incorrect. "Uhhh..what about cricket?"
Pakistan also tried that but it was agian incorrect. "Wait there is that hint thingy on the bottom cheak that out!" Bangladesh told.

It was written as; " Tr****** "

She sure does now have to get hard password doesn't she?

After a million times of typing and getting the incorrect option they finally get it right. "That took sooo longgg" whined Bangladesh. "Enough with eh whining now, we got the password right so now let's see what she has in here"(Totally not an invasion of privacy)

The computer opened but everything seemed normal. Bangladesh suggested go to her search history.

And India judged them for what they did.
The end.

Sorry again :( I really planned on finishing but it was in my drafts for too long.

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