🥀 His Savior 🌍

Start from the beginning

But do they really need him?..

No. He needs to wake up.

Of course they need him.. right?..

Earth grit his teeth, why did he even need confirmation to a question that he already knows the answer to?

Earth sighed, having a battle with himself wasn't pleasant at all.

He followed his designated orbit made around the Sun, just staring blankly at the floor.

8.1 billion humans.

That's how many lives would perish for during his little.. 'attempt'.

He always felt numb in some way, the air was always cold. He always thought it was something natural about the solar system.

Turns out, it's only him feeling this way.

Numb, emotionless,

Earth knew what he had to do.

Would it hurt?


Would it be for the better?

Without a doubt.

He pondered over this crucial decision, glancing between the Sun and asteroid belt.

Being burnt alive wasn't really his type of death, yet being chucked with an asteroid doesn't sound very pleasant either.

Oh, who is he kidding. It's death for gods sake, of course it's gonna be painful!

Earth lets out a sigh of frustration, his eyes wandered over to the asteroid belt, vividly recalling Mars telling him about some dwarf planet almost destroying him.

If you leave out the part of how mars almost died, curiosity would take the better of you.

Maybe stopping by the asteroid belt to say hi wasn't such a bad idea...

..or maybe go farther than that.

Just a quick little stop... What's the harm in that?

Earth smiled as the bags under his eyes indicated his exhaustion, presented clearly on his face.

It was one or the other, and he'd rather spend his last moments near his friends orbits than the sun, a deserted place where he would be disintegrated into literal atoms.

Who knows.. maybe this so called, 'dwarf planet', would enjoy plummeting an asteroid at him.

Halfway to the asteroid belt, he paused.

Yes, everyone would be better off without him, but his earthlings can't get off his mind..

Earth shrugged.

They'll just leave on rockets towards Mars, or Venus. It's not that big of a deal.

They've been planning this for years anyway.

Just in case a 'dooms day scenario' comes true. Pfft, yeah, it's not like they were planning to leave him because they've already polluted him.

Nonetheless, it doesn't matter.

At least not anymore.

He steadily continued his pace, when he reached Mars orbit, he quickly rushed past, not wanting to deal with his looks of disappointment.

Eventually, he was met with the asteroid belt.

A torus-shaped region was presented in front of his eyes.

All the asteroids were flowing peacefully in sync. Some, however collided, shattering into smaller pieces left for gravity to take care of.

It was breath-taking.

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