🕳️ Chaos Unrolls 🌠

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-Sagittarius A* and nearby stars interacting,
-Requested by: MedusasSnakehead


It was oddly quiet in The Milky Way, Too quiet.

Stars were minding their own business, trying to avoid socializing . It's not usually like this, lately, the atmosphere in The Milky Way has been rather... Tense.

Well, that is, except for one star.

S62, an S-star, there isn't a single day where positivity is absent.

While the whole galaxy remains in a mood, people sent concerning looks his way when he showed a glimpse of happiness.

Currently, he was dashing over to meet somebody he knows. On his way there, he bumped into quite a lot of stars, they either sent him a death glare, or ignored him.

In all honesty, S62 felt bad to those who ignored him. It really showed how most stars didn't care anymore. It was a pity to witness.

He almost reached his destination, until he smacked right into a star, who was holding a stack of papers.

They both groaned, when S62 realized who it was, his eyes immediately shone. "Pistol!!"

Pistol star, in return, groaned when he also realized who he bumped into, the last star he wanted to be with at the moment.

It's not like he held a grudge, or anything. It just felt tiring for such a lively and cheerful aura to accompany you in such a depressing moment.

"Oh-! Sorry about that, let me help you!" Pistol shook his head, "I've got it.." his voice sounded hoarse, like he just woke up.

Pistol huddled up the papers, sorting them neatly and setting them efficiently in his arms, before getting up and dusting himself off.

He was about to leave when he realized S62 was following him. He was too tired to express any physical emotions, resulting in a sigh. "..Don't you have anything else to do other than following me?"

S62 smiled in response, "Actually, I do! I was heading towards the galactic center, until you headed in the same direction i was originally planning to go!"

Pistol rubbed his temples, still processing what S62 said. "How are you so cheerful.."

"And how are you so grumpy?" Pistol frowned, "I'm not grumpy." He quietly muttered out.

"So! Where were you heading to drop off that huge stack of papers?" S62 emphasized the word 'huge', spreading his hands out to give an example.

Pistol star sighed, "Listen, I'm not in the mood for conversations." S62 just puffed his cheeks, while crossing his arms. "Just answer my question, and I'll consider leaving you alone!" Keyword; consider. Pistol knew he didn't mean it.

Pistol stayed quiet, S62 constantly bugging and poking him for answers, he finally snapped.

"Okay! okay! I get it, what's your problem?" Pistol groaned. "Tell me!" He just gave S62 a side eye and continued walking, "Sagittarius A*. He asked me to drop off some paperwork, was it really that important to bug me about it?"

S62 thought for a moment before replying, oddly enthusiastic, "pretty much!"

Even thought it seemed pistol didn't want S62 near him, he did admit his cheerfulness subtly lifted his mood, only a smudge. He would never say this out loud, though.

"And where are you going?" Toxicity laced his voice.

S62 perked up, "Me? I'm just visiting a neighbouring star!" Pistol hummed, "Let me guess, S4716?" He nonchalantly replied.

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