☀️A Hold In Ones Arms🌍

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-Sun x earth.
Requested by: A-AM3RICA

Enjoy! <3


Everything was calm in solar system, the planets were talking to each other, laughing, and having a good time. However Earth hasn't been seen in a long while.

As soon as a familiar person walked in, they all knew who it was based by his aura. The Sun, the leader of the solar system. But most importantly, the star who keeps every planet together. During this time, the Sun would make sure everything was okay for each planet.

After he checked up on Mercury and Venus, he stopped a certain blue planets spot, with no one there.

"Where's Earth? Sun turned towards the Red Planet, Mars.

"How should I know? He's been gone since yesterday. No one knows where he went." Sun thought of every possibility that could have happened to Earth. Every planet knows it's mandatory to attend Suns so-called, "meeting".

He grit his teeth. "I'm pretty sure the last person who saw Earth, was Jupiter." With that out of the way, Mars turned around to resume his argument with his two moons, Phobos, and Deimos. Let's say Mars isn't too fond of these two satellites orbiting him.

He quickened his pace towards the gas giant, swiftly passing through the main asteroid belt, at last he reached his destination.
Jupiter was having a conversation with Saturn. "That reminds me! I'd like to visit Ganymede later, is that okay?" Jupiter hummed in response, "Of course, he's been talk-"

Their conversation was quickly cut short, as the he had arrived. "Oh, Sun! Did you already check the up on the terrestrial planets? I'll head back to my orbit, if that's the case." He quickly denied his question by shaking his head, "I'm just here to ask Jupiter a question." Worry laced his voice, he had a million questions that he wanted to ask the gas giant. But alas, settled on one.

Getting a nod from Jupiter, Sun continued, "Where did Earth go? Mars told me the last person who saw him was you." Jupiters tranquil expression, quickly changed into one of concern, Saturn was quick to follow the same expression shortly afterwards.

"Why? Did something happen to him? Is he okay?" Sun was bombarded with hundreds of questions, it was obvious to why Jupiter was so concerned. He's basically the big brother, or as some say, "The Second Sun" of the solar system.

"Did he-" Sun quickly interjected his questions, "I understand your concern, but I'm sure he's fine." He obviously didn't know that for sure, but he needed to calm Jupiter down in order to get some information out of him.

Jupiter sighed, "You're right, i shouldn't be jumping to conclusions." Sun hummed, "Where was he heading?" Jupiter placed his hand on his chin, in deep thinking. Suddenly he snapped his fingers, "He went to the Kuiper belt the last time I saw him."

The Kuiper belt? This isn't good. Absolutely no planets are allowed over there. Especially the terrestrial planets, the gas and ice giants were fine since asteroids practically dissolve into their atmosphere and are crushed into pieces by tidal force. Of course this doesn't mean it doesn't hurt, though.

He wasted no time as he went to the Kuiper belt, however a voice stopped him. "Wait let me go with you!" Jupiter was barely catching up, "No. Every planet that goes missing is a big task, it's my responsibility from now on."

Jupiter hesitated before letting out a deep sigh, nodding his head in approval, Sun then continued his journey, straight for the Kuiper belt.


The place was deserted. No planet was in sight, only the murmurs of asteroids softly hitting against each other, this only increased his worry. 'Where was Earth? What if he went beyond the Kuiper belt by accident? What if-' his thoughts were stopped, like a light switch turning off.

Sun swore he had heard a light chuckle, was the Kuiper belt taking affects on him?

That was until he heard it again, it was familiar. After a while of thinking he immediately knew who it was, frantically turning in every direction, searching for the "missing" planet.

Until, he finally found him. Earth was sitting next to his moon, he was playing some sort of game with his moon, presumably, Toss The Asteroid.

Sun didn't know what came over him, all that fear and rage had dissolved into relief and awe. He quickly crouched down, and embraced Earth into a warm hug, it was like his body moved on it's own.

Sun pulled Earth ever so close to him, not daring to let go, "Sun? What are you-" "Please, Earth. Don't ever do that again, i was so worried." In response, Earth just chuckled and held onto him, what he didn't expect though, was a light peck on his cheek.

Earth nuzzled into the crook of Suns neck, enjoying the warmth emitting from the star, they stayed like that for a few minutes, but to them, it felt like an eternity. They both enjoyed each others presence accompanied with them.

"Sorry i left, Sun. Was it already time for you to check on the planets?" He hummed in response, "But that doesn't matter right now, what matters is you're here, and okay." Suns gaze noticeably softened at the planet he was holding, a tight grasp.

They both wish they could stay like this forever, but alas, time isn't something to be played with. They would do anything to stay in this position.

He sighed, "It's time to go back, Earth" he heard a light sigh from the smaller planet. "Five more minutes?" A soft voice asked him.

Sun smiled, a tender smile. "Of course."


And, that's a wrap!
I hope it wasn't too bad for my first chapter, special thanks to A-AM3RICA for requesting this! ☆

Have a fantastic day! 🌦️

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