Chapter 15: Interlude:Phantasmagoria

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It was a dreary day, white and grey scattered across the skies above, though there were cracks in the clouds that revealed a bit of blue behind the thick autumn skies. The suns bright evening rays cascaded down onto a village that sat by a shore and on a nearby forest. The trees leaves had turned varying colors of red, yellow, and orange and scattered across much of the ground. Two individuals were walking from a large open field full of beautifully colored flowers near the forest this autumn evening. Blaze the Cat, holding her usual stoic expression walked in a calm manner. She sported a purple scarf around her neck wearing her usual attire, and she held a single blue rectangled flower in one of her hands.

Cream the Rabbit happily skipped around Blaze wearing a long brown scarf of her own as they walked back to the village. It was a bit cool out today. She carried a straw flower basket full of flowers she picked, and she held an ecstatic expression as she childishly danced around Blaze as they walked back home. Blaze could see how pleased she was, but she held a stoical expression. It had been a bit dangerous around the area of the village and the new emerging city lately. People had been gossiping and making rumors about a red eyed monster kidnapping people and turning them into monsters after it took them away.

Blaze's hills and Creams footsteps squished on the leaves and soft grass as the village was in seeing distance. Blaze glanced to her left into the darkened forest. It was getting dark out and her mind began to play tricks on her, thinking of such silly things as scary monsters, to which she had faced off in real battles with real atrocities, so the thought of a child's monster did not scare or faze her obviously.

Because she knew such things were not real as she grew, but it didn't stop her from thinking the darkened forest in the distance was a little creepy. So she turned her head straight again and caught Cream smiling at her still enamored by her pick of flowers. Blaze nodded silently with her stoic expression, and Cream continued to hop around humming to herself. Blaze's lips did curl down into a frown slightly as they approached closer to the village. Now she didn't believe the villagers, and she didn't want to dismiss them either, because she had seen many a strange things in her life. But since she'd been staying in Sonic's world, she had not seen anything of the such, most definitely none of the gossip she'd been hearing lately. Much certainly not anyone being kidnapped or the what…

But Blaze even felt a bit of hesitation at her own thoughts though, because within the pass week, they'd been hearing most of the red-eyed monster's kidnappings supposedly happening in the new emerging city….

Nothing strange had happened in the village since she started living here, mostly other than fights with Eggman's bots occasionally. So personally she didn't believe the rumors. She'd been here a while now, and nobody had been hurt or kidnapped. Even the people in the emerging city didn't have proof someone was kidnapped. So as it stood it was just a rumor…

And Blaze sarcastically rolled her eyes, wondering if it had anything to do with the festive holiday in Sonic's world that revolved around the macabre. She had something similar in her world, but she wondered if it was just a viral rumor that was spread around to spook others because of the holiday. This Spooky Festival was starting today, and she figured that might not be a coincidence. So Blaze dismissed it for the time being, because right now it just seemed like a scary story to frighten others for the holiday…

Speaking of which, Blaze's expression became stoic again as she thought of how much time had passed since her last big misadventure. It had been some months since her parents had forcibly met Sonic, and it seemed that their irritation was starting to grow again….

She would never tell them…

But she knew they expected her to now…

She had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach about the situation and hoped Sonic could hold her later…to melt in his arms to ease some of her anxiety…

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