Chapter 2: Cherry Waves

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Sonic was watching his step more so than often, now that he was in a place he was not familiar with. He had a firm grip on Marine as he followed Blaze through the thick shrubbery; she was slipping out of his hands, though. Marine's clothes were the same but just baggier. Sonic also noticed Blaze had gotten a lot faster since last time they met. It made him ponder how long it had been since they'd last seen each other…

A minute or two later, Blaze, followed by Sonic, burst out of the heavy brush of the tropical forest. Sonic let Marine down and they caught up to Blaze, who stood by the edge of the water. Blaze growled, seeing the male cats in the wooden pirate ship wave at her, Sonic, and Marine with glee as they sailed away. The male with the hat, obviously the captain, held the last Sol Emerald up in the air, laughing.

Blaze conjured fire in her hands as she readied herself to run off onto the water. "I will be back momentarily."

"Wait, a sec Blaze." Sonic said, looking at both Marine and Blaze.

Blaze looked curiously at him, and he grinned, bowing to her. "Allow me."

Blaze thought it over for a second, and she lowered her hands and the flames she'd conjured went away. Any serious matter, as this situation of the Emeralds being stolen, she would not risk it being taken care of until she did it herself. But she trusted him enough because of their history. She spoke hesitantly, "Very well, Sonic."

Blaze put her hands on her hips as Sonic ran off into the water. Marine and Blaze watched Sonic as he ran off onto the water, into the distance after the boat. With water trails shooting up behind him as he quickly approached the vessel. The pirates looked surprised at how fast Sonic caught up with them. When he reached it, with his momentum, he hopped off the water and onto the boat. Blaze and Marine saw commotion ensue as the pirates began scrambling around suddenly. They watched as the pirate captain averted his attention to the chaos going on behind himself. Blaze then smirked, crossing her arms as the pirate captain turned and disappeared for a moment, then suddenly tossed overboard and Sonic jumped off right after with the Purple Sol Emerald in his hand.

"This is quite the show." Blaze said, smirking.

Marine nodded with a grin. "He just hijacked the hijackers!"

Blaze and Marine then watched Sonic, instead of coming back, dash in the opposite direction from the ship. Making a sharp turn on the water, then dashing back stronger and faster; water trials flew into the air behind him. Running fast enough to spin dash into the ship and come out the other side. Moments later, the ship sank and Sonic was now heading back in their direction. As the ship went down, life boats deployed and from the shore, it looked like the pirates were even fighting for those. Just then, behind Blaze and Marine, three other male pirate cats ran up behind them, looking disheveled. Marine put up her dukes, and Blaze remained serious, pointing to the sinking ship. The three pirates jumped in shock. They shook, knowing how dangerous Princess Blaze was.

Her face was stoic "..." and she remained quiet as she conjured fire in her hands and began throwing fire at their feet. They scrambled into the water, swimming after the life boats just as Sonic returned to the shore.

By accident, he came off the water, splashing Blaze, and her face completely surprised as it doused her. Marine dived off away from Blaze and Sonic turned to stone at her glare. Her eyes were wide and one of her eyes twitched. The water even soaked her hair, and it sat flat on her head now. But Sonic unfroze getting an idea. He walked over to Blaze and put the Purple Sol Emerald up to her face, which returned her to reality. She blinked a few times and snatched it out of his hand. Then she turned around, walking back in the forest's direction. Sonic and Marine timidly followed her, as Blaze did not speak until they reached the shrine of the Sol Emeralds deep within the forest.

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