Chapter 11: Inamorata

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Arch City was greeted by partly cloudy skies the next day, the bright light of the sun shined through the cracks of the clouds which were now almost a normal color again. Not pitch black, but a semblance of gray. Blaze and Sonic figured their worlds might still be merging, but it seemed that they had a second to breathe now that the skies had cleared up. The weather calmed down as well. The temperature was a comfortable seventy degrees and the ocean waves that hit the beach were smooth as the water splashed up onto the shore. Sun light landed atop the heads of citizens returning to the city, and they observed the damage that was done. Some of the city's larger buildings were damaged, and if not some, it seemed as if everyone's home or business had been broken into by Nega's robots. All homes and buildings were damaged in one way or another. Broken windows, doors, and much property in minor and major ways.

The citizens only hoped that some of the chaos might have scared away some of the criminals that had nestled into the city. Many citizens who were returning to the city passed by military personnel and construction workers as they attempted to assess the damage that had been caused in yesterday's battle. When the King and Queen returned to the city, there was a citywide cleanup effort to collect all the robots bodies, and since they were everywhere they weren't hard to find.

As for Blaze, Sonic, Marine, the mercs, and the people who helped them, they all returned to the Castle and rested well into the day. The mercs and all of those who helped stop Eggman Nega were treated specially by the doctors of the Royal Family and the Military.

Still though they were all separated by groups. The ship captains and engineers and such were treated in separate facilities throughout the Castle. The mercs had their own special section that they regularly came to after doing mercenary work out in the city. Tiara was there, and Blaze and Marine were treated there as well. It was a section for them with higher clearance for the kind of work they did. Though Blaze was not in their infirmary at the moment.

Blaze just pushed through brown flapping doors, heading back into the hallway from the room she'd just came out from. Blaze carried a small square purple cloth in her hand, and she walked straight down the hallway back to the infirmary where she'd personally sent Sonic.

Blaze held her usual stoic expression as she walked down the hall on the long red carpets that extended throughout all the halls in the Castle. The hills of her red and white striped shoes tick-tacked against the stone floors, and echoed off the walls of this quiet empty hallway. She of course was not going to let Sonic be alone in a room full of females, female mercs no less. Tiara included; she didn't know Honey's deal yet. She sustained a few injuries herself, but she could not sit still. She had business to attend to, her duties as Princess and as the Guardian of the Sol Emeralds called to her...

After her bandages were placed on her with the other female mercs in their usual infirmary, she had to get right back up and get to work. She couldn't keep an eye on Sonic as she had to leave the infirmary often. To talk to the King and the Queen about the battle, and deal with political ramifications of the battle. Dealing with how the other nations were reacting to it. Talking to the Generals and other military figures about security now that Eggmman Nega had retreated.

She had paperwork to fill out because of the battle, and other duties as Princess such as making a brief public announcement to the citizens and even briefly interacting with them at a press conference. Even though they didn't like her. The blame for all the damage and destruction was cast upon her because of her abilities, and because she wasn't like them. She was abnormal from almost all the people in her world, and they judged her for it. Still looking upon her as an other…

Looking at her and talking to her...still seeing her as a freak…

It certainly was a long and fast paced morning. Marine was not enough to keep the likes of female mercs away from a male. They were aggressive like Tiara. And she had just finished all those things and was finally heading back to check up on Sonic in the special infirmary where she'd sent him. She did not do political work often or even at all. It was optional, and she chose to do it this time because of the battle. She did not have to, even though she had in the past.

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