Chapter 14: Interlude:Inertia

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The sun was bright in the cloudless blue skies as its light shined down onto the shimmering ocean. It was humid out on the ocean today as the water crashed into itself. It was a humid day in general for everyone on Mobius. But a beach side village bared the brunt of the humidity. The medium-sized village sitting on the edge of a forest, next to a beach, and positioned in an uphill manner were having a peaceful day. Peaceful but hot.

But some ways out into the water, in the far distance of the village a low electric buzzing noise suddenly erupted near the water. Then a small translucent like circle appeared just above the water. Then it suddenly became huge and a low electric buzzing noise was made as it opened. And suddenly a large ship spilled through the translucent circle. The S.S. Marine!

The ships reinforced metal hull was still golden painted on the top half and blue on the lower half and still the heavily armed vessel that dealt the damage needed on the high seas.

Once the ship had fully passed through the translucent circle it began to close and made a low electric buzzing noise as it closed completely. The S.S Marine steered directly towards the beach side village getting ready to touch down at their Indoor Dock after being gone for almost a week.

Blaze stood at the bow of the ship and Marine, and another person had joined them on this trip. Up on the steering deck Marine steered the ship with a big grin on her face. She held the wheel and over on her right Gardon's back was turned to her. He held a railing standing on his tippy toes looking out onto the sea.

Gardon was a male koala who was sort of short like many of the koalas in Blaze's world. He wore a blue vest and blue fez with brown shoes with black soles and a serious expression on his face most of the time. He was Blaze's personal body guard; though it had been well established long ago that she had no need for such a thing obviously. Nonetheless, Gardon remained her personal body guard assigned to her by security personnel in her homeland when need be if she ever called for him. He was most helpful when she dealt with political matters being a personal body shield for the press.

Though Gardon sat Blaze's last adventure out, he was back to his duty when she called. As there were many other royal guards ready and willing to take his place. He was still devoted to his duty of watching over Blaze. Though because of Blaze's new circumstances she did not call him as much anymore. And though Blaze always questioned why she needed a bodyguard at all, her parents made sure she still did anyway. So he was more so a personal assistant. And Blaze only called for him on such rare occasions as she did in the last week or so.

And though Blaze did show her annoyance of having a bodyguard because she clearly didn't need one, she accepted Gardon, and he did his best to watch over her as he was assigned to do.

Marine turned the wheel a bit looking straight ahead still grinning "Hey Gardon?"

Gardon quickly turned around and saluted Marine with a serious face "Yes lady Marine?"

Marine continued looking ahead and focused on steering the ship "Go make me a snack. I'm getting hungry."

Gardon nodded but paused as he turned to go down the steps of the steering deck. He questioned Marine with a serious expression "Do you think Princess Blaze will want food as well?"

Marine nodded and glanced at him with her grin "Make some for her too, tell her I sent it."

Gardon nodded with a serious expression and walked down the stairs onto the main deck. Blaze was standing near the bow watching as they approached closer to the beach side village. She just put the last dull Sol Emerald back into a sack and placed the sack on the deck as Gardon approached her from behind.

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