Chapter 4: Damage Control

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*Hey, everyone. Apologies for not posting a new chapter since May. I'll try to write the next chapter a bit faster than last time, but for now, I hope you enjoy Chapter 4. It's mainly an adaptation of Episode 3 from the original Urusei Yatsura anime, "The Coming of Rei the Handsome Shapechanger!"

Also, I had a new cover page be drawn by one of my readers, Luk2002. He's a really talented artist, so I hope you check out his work on DeviantArt when you get the chance. Some of it is actually fanart for this crossover.

Upon arriving back at Fire Mountain, Chi-Chi wouldn't come out of her room for hours. She was simply too distraught by what happened at her and Goku's wedding to do anything, let alone talk things over with her father. The poor girl couldn't even bear to take off her mother's wedding dress.

This was supposed to be the happiest day of her entire life, yet it somehow became the complete opposite.

And it was all because of her.

Just thinking of Lum's smug, doe-eyed expression made the princess seethe with unbridled rage. She tightly crushed her bouquet of flowers and growled under breath.

"Errgh! That no-good hussy will get what's coming to her. I swear it!"

She then heard a gentle knock on the door, causing her to sigh and calm down.

"You don't have to keep checking up on me, Dad. I told you I'm alright."

Ox-King opened the door and walked in. He looked upon his daughter in sadness, knowing full well that she was not, in fact, alright.

He sat next to Chi-Chi on the bed and softly rubbed her back.

"Can we just talk about it? I know losing your chance with Goku like that was—"

"I did NOT lose Goku to that obnoxious, pea-brained, condescending...ergh... bimbo, Daddy! She only made him reconsider his promise to me. That's all!"

She crossed her arms and looked away indignantly.

"Okay... let me rephrase that. I know that Goku's... erm... 'promise' to you was important. You don't have to hide that from me." Ox-King replied. He then lightly chuckled in an attempt to cheer her up. "I mean, c'mon now! I'm your dear old dad. You can tell me anything, right?"

Chi-Chi started to tremble a little. She was struggling to maintain her tough façade for much longer.


A few stray tears fell from the young girl's eyes as she clung onto her father for dear life. She then started to cry, much to Ox-King chagrin and slight relief.

"Why?! Why did Lum have to show up on my wedding day of all things?! If it weren't for her and that hideous-looking bald dwarf, Goku and I could have... could have been..."

Ox-King buried her face into his chest and said, "Shh. I know, Chi-Chi. It wasn't fair what happened earlier. Believe me, I was just as upset as you were. But, look on the bright side..."

"What bright side?" The girl grumbled in reply. Her firm pout was the splitting image of her mother's in that moment.

"You actually have a chance to hang out with Goku and get to know him as a person. I mean, apart from that one "date" you had with each other and a few short, yet sweet moments after that, you really didn't spend much time with the guy."

Chi-Chi rolled her eyes. "I'm well aware, Dad. I told Goku that myself, remember? It still doesn't make what happened any less painful. He's the man I love and nothing's going to change that, not even some alien cow with green hair."

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