Chapter 7

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Sunday morning came around as the alarm on Yugi's clock. The buzzing sounds immediately the male lifted his right arm and pounded on the alarm to make it stop.

Grumbling a bit and shifting his body around he pushed his face from his pillows. His hair tangly and messy as he checked the time.

It was a mere only 9am, although he felt like he had woken up later than that. He was so use to waking up at 7am this time he actually slept in.

He yawned a bit before tossing the covers and blankets aside and slowly sat on the edge of his bed. Stretching his arms and legs out before looking around his room.

It was almost pitch black inside, without the curtains giving in a bit of little sunlight from the shades. The male slowly got from his bed and walked towards his window and opened the curtains.

Immediately, the short boy squinted his orbs down from the beaming sunlight and grunted a bit. He didn't realize it would be so bright out this morning, however the weather lately has been fluctuating.

One day it could be cool and chilly, then the next it could be sunny and warm. He was happy although that he got the nicer side of the weather today, because this was usually his exercise day.

Yugi smiled a bit looking out his window, before he walked away getting his day started. After several minutes he walked out of his steamy bathroom with a towel wrap around his head and lower body.

Listening to some music play on his Bluetooth speaker, as the tv gave him some background noise from a show he was watching. Walking into his closet he grabbed some workout clothes.

A t-shirt along with some shorts to match with them and some sports tennis shoes and white socks. The male planted them on his bed before closing his closet door back up.

His blue gaze shifted towards the tv before the sound of a ringing could be heard. Yugi's vision glanced over to his night stand, as he walked over putting his shirt on at the same time.

Grabbing his cell phone and placing it to his ear, as the other person spoke on the other end.

" what up bittccch! " Sam spoke.

Yugi chuckled and smiled a bit. " hey, Sam I'm glad to hear your voice. I was wondered about you since yesterday, you alright? " he asked him.

" huh? Oh yeah yeah I'm doing straight. I had so much fun yesterday and the day before, but yeah I'm cool now. " he explained.

" that's good. " yugi remarked.

" anyways, you ready yet? " Sam questioned.

" almost, I'm putting my clothes on now. I'll meet you there same as usual? " Yugi commented.

" yeah, see you there my friend, holla. " Sam replied as the two of them hang up on each other.

Yugi tossed his phone on the bed and continued to put his clothes on. Once he was finished he went outside of his bedroom, after feeding panda and make a protein shake in the kitchen.

Yugi had finally finished and was ready to go, grabbing his house keys and leaving his apartment. Locking the door and heading down the stairwell and out from the parking lot.

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Yugi had eventually arrived at the gym called ' x infinity fitness ' a place that was a popular gym for a lot of people. It had the best benefits, along with the best training equipment.

It was also the biggest gym in Manhattan that alot of people lived closed by for it. Although for yugi it was a bus a train and another bus away.

However, it was worth it and he always tried to go to the gym every two weeks on Sundays. It was usually the only time where he knew Sam wouldn't have a hangover, and the two could work out together.

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