1. A first encounter

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I have always been told that as a newborn, I never looked into a person's eyes, but always missed them. Even though there was no one there, it felt like I was still privy to someone else's presence.

Days passed and even in my crèche, I started laughing for no reason. The mobile just swings back and forth without anyone remembering who turned it on. I laughed because I had always believed you existed.

You were there.

During my early stages of learning how to turn around, you were present and lying next to me. You were curious about me, but I couldn't comprehend that I was alone.

My vision was blurry. You were very bright.

You gave me a smile and encouraged me by waving to move closer. I made an effort to crawl, but it took longer than you had hoped. Watching me was frustrating for you. Even so, you always smiled.

After some time, I took my first steps. You reacted with joy and reached out to me. My steps were unsteady, so I just waddled towards you. Although you were close to me, you couldn't catch me. I just plonked down and you felt miserable.

Me too.

Me too

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