Chapter 28: Sparks Reignited

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In the morning time at Patch. Yang sits on her bed and looks at her prosthetic arm. She then thinks back at the conversation her and her father had with Professor Port and Dr. Oobleck the night before.

Port: "Miss. Xiao Lo-... Yang. If you don't mind me asking, why haven't you tried on the arm yet?"

Oobleck: "Oh, yes, yes! A piece of Atlas technology given out like that is rare indeed! Especially when it was Co-created by the Autobot Perceptor using Cybertech technology! Not to mention the effort it took to deliver it here. It seems a great many people want to see you returned to normal."

Yang just looks down, unsure of what to say or think. Tai then steps closer to her.

Yang: "I-... I'm scared." (Everyone pays attention) "Everyone keeps talking about me getting back to normal. And I appreciate it, but... this is normal now." (She slightly chuckled) "Even though we now share our world with the bots, and one of them is now my adopted sister. Nothing wrong with that… it's actually kind of… Nice." (Oobleck and Port both give a saddened yet understandable expression) "It's just taking me a while to get used to it."

Tai: "Well, normal is what you make of it."

Yang looks at him with confusion.

Yang: "What is that supposed to mean? Do you want me to just pretend like nothing happened? I lost a part of me. A piece of me is gone. And it's never coming back."

Taiyang: "You're right. It's not coming back. But that doesn't have to stop you from becoming who you wanna be." (He places his hand on her shoulder and smiles) "You're Yang Xiao Long, my sunny little dragon. You can do whatever you put your mind to. So whenever you're ready to stop moping, and get back out there, I'll be there for you."

Yang: "I... I…"

Port: "Fear is like any other emotion. It comes and goes. It's all in how you handle it. Why, even I find myself wrestling with that emotion from time to time." (Yang raises an eyebrow and chuckles)

Yang: "Really?... You?"

Oobleck: (Whispers) "He's afraid of Mice."

Port: "They bring disease and famine!" (He slams his fist on the table) "And don't even get me started on their tails! So hairless, and simply unnatural!"

Yang starts to laugh at Ports' reaction and rant. Oobleck chuckles as well.

Oobleck: "Port, I assure you, you are safe. There's no mice here right now."

As the conversation ends with everyone enjoying their time, Yang then goes upstairs to go back to sleep.
(End of flashback)
As she stands up she grabs her prosthetic arm from the Atlas Cybertech package and walks out of her room. On the table there was a note written for her that says: "From Dr. Pollendina and Perceptor to Yang Xiao Long with great hopes for a positive recovery."


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RWBY X TRANSFORMERS: Spark of Remnant जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें