Chapter 1: Lost and Found

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From Atlas Academy, a Huntsman in training is sent on a mission with a squad of elites in hopes to unlock his semblance. They all get onboard an aircraft with incredible speed on a course to Lake Matsu.
Elite Commander: "Alright, we're closing in on Lake Matsu! This area's rich with gravity dust but also infested with Lancers. Keep your eyes peeled and Weapons at the ready!"

The Atlas Soldiers load their rifles and the Young Huntsman loads his SMG that's also a Tonfa blade.

Elite Soldier #1: "You sure you're up for this kid?"

Elite Soldier #2: "Yeah, without a semblance you'll be lucky enough to shoot down one or two of those hornets!"

The rest of the soldiers were chuckling until the commander walked in.

Elite Commander: "Let me assure you that Gale Riley has the highest test scores in target practice, great agility, advanced hand to hand combat and so on! Don't underestimate him when he can do more than what you think he's capable of."

All the Elites look at the Young Huntsman Gale in surprise.

Elite Soldier #1: "Alright, show us what you're made of, kid!"

Gale: "Yes sir! I won't let you all down!"

Elite Commander: "Our mission here is to collect as much Gravity dust as we can and-"

The ship alarm blares

Pilot: "Sir! A horde of Lancers are closing in on our position!"

Elite Commander: "All hands to battle stations! Open the bay door!"

The bay door of the ship opened, and all of the Elite operative Soldiers stood in battle positions.

Elite Commander: "Riley, Topside!"

Gale: "Yes sir!"

Gale climbs a ladder that leads to the roof of their ship. He then sets his SMG on automatic.

Elite Commander: "Elite Operatives… Give 'em hell!"

All the Elite Soldiers yell their battle cry and start shooting down the Lancers.

Elite Commander: "Riley, Your objective is to give the Pilot cover fire! Give it all you got!"

Gale: "Will do, Commander!"

Gale Starts shooting down the Lancers that would focus on destroying the Cockpit. Just then they receive an incoming transmission.

General Ironwood (Over the radio): "Elite Ops, this is General Ironwood. We detect a swarm of Grimm in your area, what's the situation?"

The Pilot grabs the radio and she starts to speak.

Pilot: "We're under attack by a horde of Lancers, General!"

At the cargo bay the soldiers kept firing to defend themselves.

Elite Soldier #3: "There's too many of them!"

Just then a Lancer shoots its Stinger hook at the soldier, impaling him through the chest and yanking him out of the ship with him screaming.

Elite Soldier #4: "Holy Shi- GAH!"

Another soldier gets hit the same way, then one by one the Soldiers lose their lives.
On top of the ship Gale witnesses his fellow comrades getting killed.

Gale: "NO!"

Gale then turns his attention to the Lancers that were attacking the cargo bay area. Meanwhile the pilot reports an SOS to the General.

Pilot: "Please send help! We're suffering heavy casualties and- (She gasps in horror)"

Just then a Lancer gets in front of her view and shoots its Stinger hook at the pilot, killing her.

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