Chapter 5: Leadership and Honor

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Outside of Beacon's infirmary, Teams RWBY and JNPR are shocked at what Drift said. Optimus looks down in guilt.

Blake: "You ran from being a Decepticon?"

Weiss: "What's that supposed to mean?!"

Drift was concerned.

Jaune: "Weiss, I think what's important is that he helped us in that recent battle."

Weiss: "Jaune, while that much is true it's just-... Just."

Drift then turns around, but Blake looks at him.

Blake: "Drift?"

Drift glances back.

Drift: "I'm sorry." (He transforms and drives off)

Blake: "Wait!" (She tries to run but to no avail)

Ruby looks in sadness, but Weiss notices.

Wiess: "Ruby? What's wrong?"

Ruby then takes a couple of steps away from everyone.

Ruby: "A lot has happened today." (She then opens the door to the infirmary) "The best we could do is be there for each other. I don't want us to be divided no matter who we are."

Ruby then Walks in and closes the door. Weiss looks in concern, Yang and Blake start to worry as well as team JNPR. Even Optimus and Bumblebee look concerned. Blake then looks in the direction Drift drove off to and thinks about following him.
Later at the ruins in the emerald forest, Drift is seen meditating with a guilty expression. Just then he hears a twig snap followed by the sound of Growling. The Growling belonged to a Beowolf Grimm. Drift looks at it in confusion while giving it his full attention.

Drift: "What in Cybertron's name?"

The Beowolf was about to attack Drift but then Blake jumps out of nowhere and kills the Grimm. She then puts her Kitana away and turns to Drift.

Blake: "Hey."

Drift: "I appreciate your help, but you shouldn't be out here. I guess even around me."

Blake: "You shouldn't be out here where it's infested with Grimm either."

Drift looks at her in confusion.

Drift: "So that creature was a Grimm?"

Blake: "Yeah. Another part of our world of Remnant is that there is darkness. Starting with its creatures; the creatures of Grimm. The antithesis of what we are, Humans or Faunus alike. And unlike us, the Grimm are void of any soul and are attracted by negativity. Their sole purpose is to destroy humanity."

Drift pays close attention and Blake looks at him.

Drift: "So this creatures of Grimm, they hold no honor in what they do."

Blake: "Not for all of us living beings. But that doesn't make me lose sight of my goal."

Drift: "What goal is that?"

Blake: "My goal is to find and bring peace between the Humans and Faunus. Becoming a Huntress allows me to do that, and I think it's better than what I used to be."

Drift: "What do you mean?"

Blake: "I mean to say that I was once a member of the White Fang." (Drift gasps) "Those individuals that were with those Decepticons? I was once a part of them because one of their leaders gave me hope for equality. But he would do so with fear and aggression."

Drift: "That sounds like Megatron. He had always believed that peace comes through tyranny, and with what I have been taught from the Decepticons I decided to leave them."

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