Chapter 10: Possessive Bonds

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The island's oppressive humidity hung in the air as Lucas led Y/N back to their secluded home. Her body ached from the physical punishment he had inflicted upon her for attempting to escape again. It was the 1st thing he did the moment they woke up. His grip on her was unyielding, his anger still simmering beneath the surface.

Lucas pushed Y/N inside their cave, and she stumbled onto the soft blankets that served as their makeshift bed. Her gaze was averted, her spirit broken by the pain and humiliation. Lucas stood over her, his crimson eyes bearing down on her like a predator.

"Y/N, you need to understand," he growled, his voice dripping with possessiveness. "You belong to me, and running away won't change that."

Y/N wanted to defy him, to resist his dominance, but she was too weary, too defeated. She knew deep down that he was right, and that realization infuriated her.

Lucas' sister Serena, who had been waiting in the shadows for Lucas to leave, stepped forward the moment he left. Her eyes were filled with sympathy as she knelt beside Y/N, gently brushing a strand of hair away from her tear-streaked face.

"He's just worried for you," Serena whispered, her voice soothing. "He doesn't want to lose you like he and you both lost the others."

Y/N's anger flared at the mention of her friends. She wanted to scream at her, to tell her that their concern was suffocating her, but instead, she listened as Serena spoke of the dangers that lurked beyond the island.

"Evil mermaids and sirens," she warned, her tone grave. "They're the reason your friends wouldn't have survived out here. Lucas is trying to protect you from that."

The fear of the unknown gripped Y/N, and she clung to the words as a semblance of comfort. She nodded, begrudgingly acknowledging the twisted logic of their world.

Lucas' sister, seeing that Y/N was somewhat calmer, decided to distract her from the grim reality. She suggested they go for a stroll and introduced her to a mysterious fruit from the island's trees.

"Meet the mong fruit," she said with a warm smile. "It might look strange, but it's sweet and delicious."

Y/N took a cautious bite, her taste buds tingling with the fruity sweetness. It was oddly shaped, like a red banana, but the flavor was a pleasant surprise as it tasted like a sweet mango. She plucked a few more and decided to bring them back home, eager to eat more later.

After the stroll, Serena returned Y/N to their cave, where Lucas was already waiting and left. He looked contrite, his eyes holding a semblance of remorse as he reached out to her. Y/N hesitated for a moment before allowing herself to be pulled into his arms.

Lucas held her tightly, his tail curling protectively around her, as if trying to convey his apology through actions rather than words. Y/N didn't resist this time; she was too exhausted, both physically and emotionally.

Lucas gently stroked her hair, trying to soothe her. "Tell me about your day," he murmured, his voice softer than usual.

Y/N was silent for a moment, contemplating whether she should speak. Eventually, she relented, her voice low and defeated. She recounted her stroll with Lucas' sister and the discovery of the mong fruit, leaving out the fear-inducing tales of mermaids.

Lucas listened intently, a strange mix of satisfaction and possessiveness dancing in his eyes. When she finished, he began to tell her about his day, describing his duties as the leader of their Naga tribe and the challenges he faced in maintaining their territory.

Then, as the evening settled in and they shared a meal of wild boar that Lucas had hunted, he dropped a bombshell.

"Tomorrow," he said, his voice tinged with anticipation, "I'll take you to the main village area. I want to introduce you to everyone as my mate."

Y/N's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Aren't we already in the main village area?"

Lucas chuckled softly. "No, my dear. We live on the outskirts. It's quieter here, and our home is larger."

Y/N considered this, her exhaustion making her more pliable to Lucas' plans. She nodded, albeit hesitantly. "Alright, but only if your sister comes with us."

Lucas agreed, and they continued their meal in relative peace. The day faded into night, and the cave was illuminated only by the soft glow of bioluminescent plants outside.

As Y/N and Lucas settled down to sleep, Lucas pulling Y/N closer to him, their bodies entwined.

Published - 5 Oct 2023

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