Gods Help Them

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Hazel quickly detached Sapphire's car seat while I got Ben's then we quickly ran for the hill.

For a moment I thought we were all going to make it safely but then I saw the car fly past Hazel and I hitting Frank right before he made it past the barrier.

"FRANK!" Hazel screamed as the car settled.

Then one of the car seats Frank had been carrying rolled down the hill as the child inside screamed and cried

"Bayley!" Hazel yelled as she ran up the hill still holding Sapphire's carrier in one hand.

I ran after her as I heard the sound of something snapping behind us.

I turned to try and get a look at what was after us but it was to dark.

With only one free hand Hazel managed to stop the carrier from rolling all the way down and pick it up.

In Hazel's panic jewels started to pop out of the ground all around her as I got to her side.

"Hazel, we need to keep going" I said and she simply nodded

As we continued running up the hill my heart sunk for a moment when I saw the car lifting up thinking that the monster was up there but then I heard someone shouting.

"Hurry and pull him out!" Percy shouted.

Shortly after the coco puffs ran down the hill and towards the monster

"We need to get them to the infirmary, now!" Will shouted as we continued up the hill.

"Aim your arrows" Chiron shout and shortly after arrows flew past us.

We finally made it to the top of the hill and past the barrier right as a tree flew at us.

"Are you alright?" Chiron asked

"We're alright" I said

"Where's Frank and Karina?" Hazel asked frantically.

"They are heading to the infirmary" Chiron said.

Hazel looked like she wanted to run towards the infirmary but since Bayley was still crying (and now Sapphire and Ben were as well) she focused on calming her daughters well I calmed Ben.

"Let's get you to the big house" Chiron said as the coco puffs came back up the hill.

When we got to the big house Mr.D was standing on the porch along with Austin

"Will told me to make sure your both alright" Austin said

"Neither of us were harmed, but Bayley took a tumble down the hill in her car seat" I said

"She should get looked at" Austin said as he held his arms out

"I can take her, I need to see Frank and Karina" Hazel said

"Sorry, you can't go in the infirmary right now" Austin said

"Is something wrong?" Hazel asked in a panic

"Your daughter is fine, but Frank-" Austin started to say before Hazel cut her off

"What's wrong with Frank!? Is he breathing?! Is-" Hazel stared to say in a complete panic but Austin placed a hand on her shoulder

"I'm not going to lie, he's in critical condition. but Will is the best here and he's taking care of him" Austin said which only calmed Hazel a little

"I know you want to see him but Will, along with everyone else in the infirmary can't focus if you go in and panic more" Austin said

"Kid's right, just let them work" Mr. D said

Hazel slowly nodded and gestured for Austin to take Bayley

Austin gently picked up Bayley then walked towards the infirmary.

"Let's go in and have a seat" Chiron said.

When we all seat down Hazel took Ben (wanting to hold him and Sapphire close) and I told Mr. D and Chiron everything that happened while the coco puffs laid next to me and at my feet cooing softly.

2 hours into explaining Austin came back out.

"Bayley had some good bruising on her legs and a small fracture. And Karina had a broken arm" Austin said

"But! We were able to fix them and they're both doing fine" Austin quickly added when he saw the panic in Hazel's eyes

"And Frank?" Hazel asked

"We're still working on him" Austin said

"Don't worry, Will is the best. He helped Paolo many times" Austin said

"Paolo?" I asked scared I knew exactly what he meant when he mentioned Paolo.

Austin was about to speak before Kayla yelled from the infirmary

"Austin! We need you!" Kayla yelled with a tone of panic.

"What's wrong?!" Hazel asked now freaking out again.

"Hazel" I said gently as I placed a hand on her shoulder

"You need to stay calm" I said

"No, I need to go to him! I have to make sure his alright!" Hazel said frantically as she started to hand Sapphire and Ben to me.

"My child, going in there can only make things worse" Chiron said calming.

"How?! There has to be something I can do!" Hazel said

"You can go" Mr.D said and Hazel smiled and got up once I was holding Sapphire and Ben.

But before she even took one step towards the infirmary Mr.D raised a hand to stop her.

"You can go, panic when you see him and the condition his in and make those who are trying to help him panic. In doing so he could die. since you have no medical experience you wouldn't be able to do anything but watch as everything falls apart" Mr.D said before he lowered his hand.

"Or you can wait out here and let those who know what they're do work" Mr.D said.

Mr.D could sometimes be a little blunt but in this moment I was glad he had said what he did because it seemed to be exactly what Hazel had needed to hear.

"Hazel" I said gently as she sat back down.

"Why don't I help you take the kids back to the cabin?" I asked

"But Frank" Hazel said softly

"I know your scared, but as Mr.D said there's nothing you can do for him right now." I said and Hazel looked at me with teary eyes

"But you can help Sapphire and Ben by going and letting them sleep while sleeping yourself. You know they're let you know as soon as anything happens" I said

After a moment Hazel slowly nodded.

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