I Swear

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~Nico's point~

I sat on my bed in cabin in New Rome trying not to let my thoughts get the better of me and trying to tell myself that all was well. Life was great I had a place I could call home, friends and a boyfriend who I loved to death so what was the problem?

The problem was that my boyfriend was back at Camp Half-blood and a part of me always worried when I had to be away from him.

But not only did I have responsibilities here as the ambassador for both camps. I was also here to get lessons from Annabeth a fact that I didn't tell Will because I just couldn't tell him that I didn't know as much as everyone else having been born in the 1920s And then fighting in the war I didn't really have time to study modern schooling. of course it has been 5 years since the war and with Annabeth being as smart as she is smart she is found out about my problem and offered to help when ever she could.

I had only been here for 5 days but it was still to long to be away and Will had told me to stop shadow traveling because I was doing it 2 sometimes 3 time a day and he was getting worried since I was starting to get more tried but I couldn't help it I wanted to spend as much time with him as possible and I was scared that something would happen if I wasn't there I was pretty sure I had abandonment issues. I was pulled from my thoughts by the best sound in the world


While I loved hearing Will's voice it startled me and my first reflect was to jump off my bed and grab my sword but I ended up failing and fell face first on the floor instead. I sat up and looked at the iris message then smiled and acted like nothing happened


"Oh my gods your bleeding"

"It's nothing" I say wiping my nose

"Nothing? What if you broke your nose?" Will almost yelled his voice full of worry

I sighed "Look if it will make you feel any better I'll get it looked at but I'm pretty sure I didn't break it" I said with no intention of actually doing so because I knew it was fine.

Will let out a small laugh "it would make me feel better I mean you are pretty old and bones break easily on old men"

I let out a small laugh and bypassed what he just said "anyway, how has your day been so far?"

"Long, what about you?"


"Is that why you were sleeping?" He laughed

"I wasn't sleeping I was just thinking"

"Oh? What about?"

"You" I said a small blush on my face

I loved Will's smiles every one of them but the one that spread across his face right then was my favorite, it was so full of joy and love.

He placed his chin in his hand "Miss me?"

"Of course, I miss you"

"Well I've missed you too"

"While you don't have to miss me for to much longer" I was cut off be for I could finish


"Yeah, I'm coming back" I said

"No shadow traveling"

"Don't worry Percy and Annabeth are coming back for a vist so I'm just going to travel with them"

"Ok, just be safe"

"Don't worry night light I will. I got to go but I'll see you tomorrow night"

"Wait tomorrow night?"

"Yeah we're heading out soon"

The smile on Will'sface grew wider.

"What time do you think you'll be here?"

"We should be there be around 6, we would have been there sooner but Annabeth get a little sick and then Percy forgot something and had to head back to his room"

"Sounds like Percy, is Annabeth ok?"

"Yeah she seems fine now"

"That's good"

"So you going to do something special for me since you missed me so much?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows

"Gods Will, your ridiculous. I'm glad it just me here"

And Will laughed. I was about to ask him why he was laughing before I here Percy speak up

"Don't worry Nico we didn't hear a thing" Percy said and I turned to see him in the doorway with Annabeth

"Yep no one heard" Kayla said from somewhere and I also heard Austin laugh a little


"Sorry I honestly forgot they were here" he said rubbing the back of his neck with a nervous chuckle

"How could you forget?"

"I got distracted"

"By what?!"

"What do you think?" He said before looking me up and down checking me out and that turned me beet red

"So you going to do anything?" He had a smirk on his face from making me blush

"I can if you want"

"Really?" He sounded really happy and excited. I laughed a little at this



"I swear on the river styx ok, I'll do one thing for you?" I immediately realize what I had just said and cursed myself in my head

"Sing for me at the camp fire" he said real fast then said bye and swiped his hand through the message

"merda" out of all the things he had to ask why did it have to be for me to sing in fount of everyone

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