chapter 16: Out, out part 1

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Sky shrugs and skips down the line. 

As we get to the front, I see a smirking Olsen standing behind the bouncer. . . Something tells me that I won't be hearing the last of how "naive" I am.  

"How's my little VIP virgin?" She asks grinning at me.

I roll my eyes "Yeah yeah, lap it up Lizzie, let it all out in one go." I tell her.

She laughs at me again whilst swinging her arm around my shoulder and saying hi to Danny and Sky. As we make our way into the VIP area, I see a set of dazzling green eyes, I turn to Lizzie and just stare at her. She looks confused for a hot second until she looks where I just turned away from. She turns back to me with a soft smile on her face. "Come on you, I promise they don't bite." 

"But, she has your eyes and she looks intimidating. . . And there's 2 of them, oh god, I need a shot." I turn to Danny and sky, "to the bar." I proclaim. I refuse to look Lizzies way, I know she's going to make fun of me for this. 

"Chicken!!" I hear her yell as I all but run away to the bar. I pretend to not hear it as I'm walking away.

"Mate, I am so glad you did that, I am literally sweating and my hands are all clammy, here, feel." 

"Eweww, gross, get off Danny!" I shout, pushing him away.

"And you, how the hell are you so chill?" I point at Sky. She is a lady of few words, she shrugs and hides her mouth with her drink.

I narrow my eyes at her for a second, and properly take her in. Then it clicks "No, you didn't? You're not?.. No you didn't share!! So selfish!" I nudge her shoulder. 

Danny just looks at us confused, honestly, sometimes I think he was dropped on his head as a child. "She's high mate, she doesn't smell like it so I'm assuming edibles."

Danny shakes his head at her "no wonder she's so chill!" He says, downing his next shot. 

Sky laughs at the both of us "I'm honestly surprised it took you so long to work it out."

Once we've taken the Edge off a little, we make our way to the VIP area, the bouncer looks us up and down and asks if we're "on the list", he obviously thinks we're just trying it on. But, we give our names and much to his surprise, we're on his stupid little list. We all shoot him a smug look as he let's us through and we make our way over to Lizzie and her sisters. 

"Didn't think you were getting past the bouncer for a minute there. . . .thought I might have to come over and rescue the damsel in distress." I hear the familiar raspy tone to my right. I whip my head around, my body hadn't quite caught up with my brain's conclusion on who that voice belongs to. 

"Um, wow, hey you. . . I haven't seen you since. . . .um, for a while. Didn't know you'd be here tonight." Jesus, why can't I talk like a normal grown up right now.

"Yeah, well, she is my best friend, you know. And, I didn't know you'd be here. You've been quite hard to tie down recently" Scarlett says as she sips on some weird alcoholic concoction.

"Yeah, you know, work has been crazy and.." I start off, rubbing the back of my neck. My eyes wander a little to my left where Danny and Sky are both standing, arms crossed. They look like my security detail haha. 

"Oh, have you met Sky? I don't think you have, have you? Sky." I say dragging her to my right hand side, in front of Scarlett. "This is Sky, she's my"     "date" Danny chimes in. I freeze and look at him, sides of his lips twitching as he shrugs his shoulders ever so slightly. Not this crap again, I think as I narrow my eyes at him.

"You're so funny Danny. No, she's not my date, she is however one of my best friends." I say. Scarlett smiles at Sky and extends her hand out. Sky just looks at her hand, then her face, then her eyes drift behind Scarlett. Lastly, she turns to me and grabs my hand.

"As your bestie, it's my duty to wing woman you tonight, so, let's go try and bag you an Olsen. Failing that, there's a lot of potential on the dance floor tonight." She turns back to Scarlett "we hope you and your. . . Husband, have a great night Scarlett." And with that, she drags me off towards the Olsens. 

"Wait, husband." I say, whipping my head round. "NO!" Sky shouts, tugging my hand, making me turn my head back around to ensure I'm not walking into anything. "No, don't look back, don't give her the satisfaction."

"Hey you! We've got shots! We've got you shots!" Lizzie shouts, breaking me out of my thoughts. I smile at her and wrap my arm around her waist. "Then I guess we better get drinking them!" I reply.

"So, you're Harley?" Oh shit, Olsen twin! Which one? I don't bloody know!

"Guilty." I reply, placing my shot glass on the table. 

"I'm Mary-Kate, but you can call me MK." She flirts a little. 

I'm definitely flustered. "Oh, yeah, OK….MK. umm. How's your night so far?" I choke out. 

"Well, I think it just got better." She says, placing her hand on my arm  slowly running her fingers up and down. What the fuck is happening? Am I like celebrity crack? They just can't get enough?

"I see you've met my sister." Lizzie says, putting her arm over MKs shoulder, whispering something in her ear. I see MK look behind me and smirk.

"Uh, yeah, she just introduced herself to me." I say back to Lizzie, just as MK leans in real close to my face. I freeze, I stop breathing. What is happening?! She stares into my eyes for a beat, the sides of her mouth curving upwards slightly. Her eyes then dart down a little as her hand comes up to my face. "There" She says, pulling what I can only assume is an eyelash off my face. "Make a wish" She whispers into my ear. I gulp, looking at her finger (I cannot see anything on it) then back to her eyes. She nods at me to make the wish. I close my eyes for a beat, then blow the eyelash off her finger as she pulls back. Looking behind me again with a satisfied look on her face. 

I can see Lizzie laughing beside her. "OK, what the heck is going on?" I ask. 

"Well, you kept winding me up about flirting and 'shooting your shot' with MK here. I might have told her to mess with you…. Also, Scarlett was watching, so I told her to go a little harder." 

I blink once, twice. "You did what?" I ask. "Noooo, oh my god, that's sooo embarrassing  Lizzie!" I whine. 

"For someone who wanted to 'shoot her shot' you sure acted like a deer in headlights" MK teases "have you ever pulled a woman in your life?" She asks. I can hear lizzie full on belly laughing now.

"I swear to God baby spice, I WILL get my revenge and it WILL be sooooo sweet. Just you wait." I turn back to MK "And you…..I have no words. Well played. I was totally knocked off my game for a hot minute there. You being, well, you and all." I lean into her, moving her hair behind her ear so I can whisper "I'm taking this as a green light to flirt with you as much as I want going forward." My hand running down from her ear, down her neck to her collarbone. I pull back with a smirk "unless you can't handle it, that is?"

"Ooohhh, game on. This'll be fun." she returns.

"I take her shot that she hasn't touched yet, and down it. "This'll be fun." I repeat. 

"Stop flirting with my sister! This was supposed to embarrass you." She whines, hitting me on the back of the head. 

"Would people stop hitting my head like that?! Geez" I whine back, rubbing the back of my head. "Going to end up with a stupid concussion again" I grumble.

I turn around and lock eyes with Scarlett, was she watching me the whole time? I can see a guy standing beside her, whispering in her ear as his hand rests on her lower back. . . I'm guessing that's the husband. I never had a chance did I? Was she ever single? Or was it all a game? 

"Hey, none of that. We're here to have a good time, and that's what we're gonna do. Just ignore her for tonight. You can talk to her another time." Sky says as she drags me to the dance floor.

Well, tonight's going to be fun.

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