Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

"I wanted to save you," Zhao Zhufu heard him mutter, as if speaking to himself. "But I couldn't save you. I saw that sword disappear into thin air."

The female Alpha's hand instinctively let go of his, then gripped it again, as if trying to conceal her unease. "It was just a dream... you shouldn't dwell on it."

The emotions in the air were thick and viscous, almost like rusty blood, making it hard to breathe.

She pursed her lips and, without waiting for the young man's response, reached for the mold he was holding.

He held onto it tightly, as if clutching a lifeline, and when Zhao Zhufu touched it, he almost didn't let go. Eventually, she gently but firmly pried his fingers open, taking the mold from his hand. She lowered her voice, her tone gentle but resolute.

"Let's make it together. Can you teach me?"

Song Shi remained frozen for several seconds before finally regaining his composure. He stiffened for a moment before nodding.

"Then, please watch my movements carefully."

The heavy emotions in the air slowly lightened and became somewhat hopeful. Whether it was this Song Shi or the other, neither of them could refuse Zhao Zhufu.

She followed the young man's actions somewhat clumsily, her mind constantly racing.

She needed to find a doctor to treat Song Shi's eyes, and it was clear he also needed a therapist. But for now, she had to focus on the stubborn cookie dough in front of her.

Zhao Zhufu had never expected that making such a simple dessert like cookies would have so many intricacies.

She was also puzzled by the fact that even though she followed Song Shi's every move, somehow, it still ended up...

Zhao Zhufu stared blankly at the bubbling, mushy mess before her, her expression devoid of emotion. After several failed attempts to salvage it, she reluctantly gave up.

"I think it's better if I just watch you do it. It's probably better for both of us."

On the other side, Song Shi strangely fell silent for a moment before immediately nodding.

"Alright, Your Highness."

As he carefully placed the finished cookies into the oven, both Zhao Zhufu and Song Shi let out a simultaneous sigh of relief.

Both of them paused for a moment but then burst into laughter.

Zhao Zhufu couldn't help but find it amusing, while the other Song Shi had a small, gentle smile, despite his lifeless golden eyes. He looked in her direction and said, "Your Highness, do you like cream puffs? I can make them for you next time."

Thinking of the fluffy texture of cream puffs, Zhao Zhufu nodded enthusiastically. "That sounds like a plan."

She hadn't even finished speaking when she suddenly felt something was amiss. She looked at Song Shi, but it was as if she saw through him and glimpsed her own mate.

Quietly, Zhao Zhufu swallowed hard and chuckled. "Well, if there's a chance, you don't have to work so hard."

Song Shi's smile softened a bit, but he still nodded slowly and said gently, "Alright."

When the cookies were finished, it was dinner time, but both Zhao Zhufu and Song Shi had an unspoken agreement not to mention dinner plans. Instead, they happily shared the cookies.

Since they had marked each other, Song Shi was safe during this heat period.

Zhao Zhufu decided that they would sleep in separate rooms. She took the master bedroom, while Song Shi stayed in the adjacent guest room.

As night fell, Zhao Zhufu collapsed onto the bed, exhausted. She stared at the ceiling but had no signs of sleepiness.

The dream that Song Shi mentioned undoubtedly referred to the events that happened on her coronation day. However, this was not something he should know.

Nevertheless, as an outsider in this world, she had memories of that period of her life, which allowed her to be aware of what was happening to the current "Zhao Zhufu." At the same time, she had not received any memories related to this particular "Zhao Zhufu."

From this, it could be deduced that the current "Zhao Zhufu" and herself were two separate entities, and their memories did not overlap.

Then why does this world's Song Shi have memories of the previous world's Song Shi?

Zhao Zhufu furrowed her brows, feeling a headache coming on. She rubbed her temples and let out a sigh.

Shortly after, she heard a knock on her bedroom door. "Your Highness."

It was Song Shi's voice.

Zhao Zhufu raised an eyebrow in slight surprise. She got out of bed, slipped into her fluffy slippers, and walked to the door. She raised her hand to open it. "What's the matter?"

Standing at the door was Song Shi, wearing a white robe. His black hair, which hadn't been tended to for a while, now flowed down to his shoulders, and his slightly long bangs were tied back. At this moment, standing in front of her, if it weren't for his taller height compared to Zhao Zhufu, he could almost pass as a graceful young woman when viewed from the side. However, when Zhao Zhufu faced him head-on, Song Shi's distinct masculine features, with his slightly upturned eye corners, were evident, and there was a hint of red in his eyes.

The air carried a subtle scent of cream-scented pheromones, and the atmosphere was tinged with nervous excitement, like a bright red heart throbbing in the dimly lit room.

For some inexplicable reason, Zhao Zhufu felt her throat go dry and lowered her head as if to conceal her reaction. She touched her nose and repeated, "What's wrong? Do you need something?"

Even though he was much taller than Zhao Zhufu, he chose to lower his head at this moment, like an obedient giant canine.

He asked Zhao Zhufu, "Your Highness, my body is mostly healed now. You don't have to worry about my health anymore."

Zhao Zhufu: ...

Zhao Zhufu: ???

For a moment, her mind seemed to freeze in place as she stared intently at Song Shi. In that instant, Zhao Zhufu didn't dare to nod or shake her head. She was afraid that no matter what she did, the hidden side of this Song Shi would come out and burst her head.

Unfortunately, she had entered his mental sea earlier this afternoon, so she couldn't enter it frequently now.

As a result, she licked her lips, paused for a few seconds, and then carefully said, "It's very late, Song Shi. You should rest early."

She watched as Song Shi's black hair dimmed slightly, and the emotions in the air turned somber.

The young princess put away her relaxed expression and spoke slowly, "Song Shi, you were never an object."

... The next morning, Zhao Zhufu woke up very early. After hesitating on her bed for three seconds to make sure she was fully awake, she activated her smart assistant.

She needed to contact the familiar doctors to schedule a hypnotherapy session. Zhao Zhufu was certain that within the memories Song Shi had forgotten, there must be some answers she wanted to know.

At the same time, she scheduled a gene therapy session to reconstruct Song Shi's eyes, which was also an urgent matter.

However, she soon encountered a formidable problem...

While Pei Yu didn't openly restrict her actions, and she had free movement within the palace, at the same time...

She and the envoy from the Andean Empire were both intentionally or unintentionally detained within the Vicky territory, preventing them from coming and going.

Meanwhile, the old emperor hadn't given her any assistance or reassuring words at this time; it was as if he had disappeared completely.

Zhao Zhufu easily realized that Pei Yu was undoubtedly trying to tell her a fact she had already understood: she hadn't truly gained the old emperor's favor, and on this mission to the Vicky, she had a good chance of becoming a disposable pawn.

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