Chapter 39 - Screw it

Start from the beginning

She means 'when you need me, I'm just a few feet away'.

Back to the present, I look around the cafe spotting Taehyung oppa at our usual place, at the back corner of the shop. We used to go here a lot because almost no one is here at this hour.

I don't bother ordering anything so I head straight to where he is. Seeing my approach he stands up and waves at me. I reciprocate his greeting by nodding at his direction.

"Hi." He says when I reach him.

"Hi." I reply, pulling the chair across from him and sitting down. The parking lot is in my line of vision from here.


Did Lisa see him when we arrived? Because she is parked exactly where I can see her and she can see inside the cafe. When I said 'where I can see her', I don't mean it literally because her windows are tinted. I meant the car.

It doesn't matter really, because whether she did it on purpose or not, it warms my heart that every time I look outside, she's there waiting for me.

Preoccupied with my thoughts, I didn't quite catch what Taehyung oppa was saying. Clearing my thoughts, I turn to him. "I'm sorry oppa, what did you say?"

Not bothered by my lack of attention he just smiles and repeats it. "I asked if you wanted something to eat since I already got you a drink." Pushing a glass of iced Americano to me.

"Oh.." I didn't order on purpose because I plan to make this meeting as short as I can. "Thank you oppa but I already ate before heading here." Giving him a smile.

"Okay." He replies. It takes him a minute to say something again. "How are you?" He asks.

"I'm good." I pause, not really knowing what more to say. "And you?"

His demeanor changes a bit, I see sadness slipping out in his expression. "I'm miserable without you Jen."

"Oppa..." Feeling miserable at this moment too, because I'm the reason why he's hurting.

"Please, just hear me out." Without waiting for an answer he asks. "Are you with that person now?"

Even though he meant to ask if I'm in a relationship now, my heart still skipped a beat because it could've also meant to ask if I came here with that person.

After he asked the question my eyes instinctively looks outside for her car. Upon seeing it, I calm down a little. I look at oppa again. "No, we're not together... Yet" I give him an honest answer.

Hearing that, he smiles. "So, I still have a chance to win you back."

"Oppa don't.." I plead but he wouldn't hear me.

"I know deep down, that we can make this work again. I'll be a better boyfriend this time. You loved me once, you can do it again. I love you enough for the both us. I can wait as long as it takes." He rambled in one breath.

I notice him reaching over to hold my hands that's resting on the table but before he can I pull them to my lap. Hurt flashes across his face.

"I'm sorry, oppa." I look him dead in the eyes and speak clearly so he can properly hear me. "There was a reason why I agreed to this meeting even though I knew why you wanted to talk." I pause. "I came here to put an end to this so you can finally move on with your life. I'm not the right person for you anymore."

He's about to disagree but I don't let him. "This may seem harsh but I'm going to be blunt and honest when I say this, there is zero percent chance that we'll get back together."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2023 ⏰

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