Part -42

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Anu: Because what Avinash? Tell me!... again she asked with little bit high voice...

Avinash: Because.... I ....

Anu: Because what... just say it! dam it.... with raising one eyebrows she said ....

Avinash: Because I Love you! ( with full sound from his deep throat) I love you... I am can't live without you... after divorce I will die... I can't imagine life without you... I know I insulated you like you are nothing to me.... but inside my heart I started to love from the second month of our marriage... but I couldn't understand that... I started to dependent on you.... if you leave I am nothing... I don't have anyone... I have mom and dad.... but without my blood,my better half.... I am nothing....if you guys don't want with me... then for whom I have to live.... sorry to say this... its not like I want to emotionally blackmail you... please don't think like that..... that's why i didn't want to say anything... you don't take decision because of this.... it is your life.... its not about me... sorry once again... while sobbing he said ....

Hearing what Avinash said Anu become furious...and thud....

Anu just gave Avinash a heavy slap. Not from the sting of the slap, but rather from her palms touching his cheek, Avinash's eyes widened, and he simply grinned.

Anu: Why are you laughing right now?... with enrage she asked..

Avinash: After months you touched me! Thank you!....

Avinash! You are annoying; only a moment ago, you sobbed and wailed, "I'm going to die without you." Now that I slapped you, you're grinning. I believe you have become nuts, and what about the divorce decision? Why don't you try to beg for pardon?You said you could tolerate such suffering for us, right? This is the best you can do for me and our child. You said back then... Is this the day you vowed to wait for my forgiveness for the rest of your life? You can do anything for our child, but suddenly you give up so easy without even trying. You just tried this over the past month, so what about me? I endured this for over six months in the hopes that one day things would change.You stupid, I just wanted to test you. But here, you're talking about ending your life without trying anything. Not everything comes naturally to us. If I forgive you now, what guarantee do I have that after a few months you won't revert to your old ways? Because you change your mind easily. What will happen to us. What will happen to the baby. She or he will long for your love.

You simply want to give up and act anyway you choose!I'm not going to stop you, I promise! Me, who am I? To you, who am I? Nobody matters to you at all! You only have yourself in mind! Your emotions! your battle! Simply walk away from here! Just go away! I just hat...

Before Anu could complete her sentence, Avinash pressed his rough, shivering lips against her delicate, quivering lips....

Anu entered stif mode. Avinash just began to nibble on her lips and tasted her delicious saliva. After feeling the warmth of Avinash's lips on her lips, Anu merely closed her eye....

He just kept kissing her like a ravenous wolf because he wanted to explore her. He had been waiting for this moment for a very long time, and now it was finally happening. He just wanted to go inside of her, but she simply tightened her lips. 

So without choice he just bit her lower lip to make her hiss in pain... using this opportunity he just entered into her mouth.... both their tongues started to dance in sinc... his tongue explore every inches of her mouth....

He continued his sweet torture for minutes... sensing her struggle for breathing he withdraw his lips from her .... and joined their forehead not before giving small peck on her forehead.....

Avinash: Sorry! Sorry! Anu! I just thought about my feelings... my struggle... but I just wanted to be with you! Because I just a coward who can't live without his wife... because I don't know what to do without her... everything depend on her without his knowledge... so please forgive me for my selfishness..... because I am going to do that for life long... you have to bare it for your whole life... because without you I am just useless... I can live as your slave... but I can't live without you..... that's my sincere words Anu... I am not going to regret for saying that.... everything starts from you and ends with you.... you may think I am just acting or making fake promises.... but I know how much I am sincerely saying this... please give me a chance.... please My LOVE.... while caressing her cheeks he said....

Anu: She just nodded her while closing her eyes....

Avinash just looked her without blinking his eyes with open mouth ....

Avinash: Anu you just nodded right?..

Anu again nodded her head...

Avinash: Holly sh***t ! You just said okay for giving me one chance... my second chance.... thanks... thank you My love... thank you... while saying.. he started to kiss her whole face ..... bend to pick her up!...

Anu: Avinash! No !   Stop it!...

Avinash: What happened Anu!...

Anu: What are you doing!

Avinash: i just wanted to hold you... lift you in my arms.... I just wanted to feel you! You know I am just...

Anu: Did you forgot? I am near 8 months pregnant you stupid!.... what if you dropped me ? What if we both tripped and fall down... and baby!!!... do you know I gained weight .... its double...she just started to went everything...

Avinash just placed his forefinger on her lips to stop her ....

Avinash: Anu! Never ever I will drop...And weight..... even if you gain 100 kilo I can lift you... I will not drop you and our baby at Any cost.... Because.....


Hi guys after long time ... update... I am sorry... I know many of you guys messaged me and asked about update.... sorry guys I couldn't able to update because lack of interest.... yes I didn't got any inspiration to write further....i have written this chapter 5 time in different way....after four times deletion..... in different plot.... today I edited this one... I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.... next 2 chapters only...... Thank you for support guys.... love you 😍❣️

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