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Avinash: See... I can't tell you right now anything....But I want some time  from this...i just need some time ...he said with monotone...

Anu: What do you mean....You want some time...What are you trying to say... She said with furiously...

Avinash: Anu just... before he finish...

Anu: You don't have to explain anything to me.... Just say answer for this question!  "Are you regretting this marriage?"... This relationship...last 2 months... Whatever we have between us".. With sad tone she asked...

Avinash: See, I don't want to hurt you... Saying anything without thinking.... Just understand me.... After business trip we will talk about this... Today I am very happy about something... I just don't want to spoil that happiness...and I want to pack my things... I already have so many  works to do... So shall we discuss after return.... With monotone he said .... No expression.. nothing....

Anu: No I can't wait for another one or  2 weeks... I didn't even know when are you going to return...Last 24 hours is....its like hell for me... and very longest tension hours for me in my entire life... I can't....Saying that she taken heavy breath.... and continued,.....

ok! if you don't want talk right don't have to say anything by words...  Let's go with this way... If you regretting this marriage.... Tomorrow after you reaching  to your destination send me one (.) Message... I will understand....and after that I will not disturb you... I will not ask you anything about this matter anymore.... And one more thing " if you call me to inform about your reach"... I will take it as a you want this relationship... you are happy with this marriage...You want sometime to reciprocal my want to continue this relationship/ marriage.. I know you don't love me like I do... and I don't want to force you with anything... so send me a message don't forget... she said with hurt...

Avinash: Mmm...he just nodded his head and went his room to sleep...

Anu didn't moved from her place...she just slept on the sofa...She cried full night...

Morning sunlight rays touched Anu face...Her eyes are fluffy and reddish... it's morning 8 o clock... She can say that Avinash already left looking hour.... Full day she waited for Avinash Call and message.... soon It's became evening time ....Till now she is waiting for positive response.... Without intaking her meals... Message arrived tone came from her phone...

She viewed that message... Seeing that... She smiled slightly.... And see directly went to kitchen to prepare her meal...After finishing her dinner... She sent one message to Avinash... And went to sleep...

Meantime .....

Avinash landed at his destination country.... That's Canada.... Full journey he just thought about Anu words.... He have to decide about their relationship.... And he reached his hotel room.... Once he sat on the bed... He taken his phone and send message with small smile....and put his phone on the side bed.... And went to fresh up after ordering his food....

After bath he came back... And had his dinner... When he checked his phone... He saw that one message came from Anu...  He read that message and smiled went to sleep...

It's been one week..... Avinash was went to Canada for business trip... He is returning today....From morning Anu preparing Breakfast very happily... While cooking she went to bath and got ready in Beautiful dress... Came back with  very happy face... And sat to eat her breakfast...After finishing her breakfast she went to wash her plate... Hearing door bell sound,she went to open the door....

There stood Avinash with small smile...she aslo replied with same smile and said...

Anu: Avinash ji... Good morning... How is your journey...and how is your work.....

Avinash: Mmm... Everything good.. while entering to the house he said...

Anu: That's good... Ok go and fresh up...I made some breakfast... Come and have it... Saying that she went to living room....

Avinash: mmm... sure... he said went to fresh up... After fresh up he came back ....And saw that... Anu wearing beautiful dress like she is going somewhere.... Sensing his look.... Anu said ....

Anu: "Avinash ji... here Have you Breakfast...For  Celebrating your success business trip I made some sweets also... Enjoy it... Saying that she took her handbag...

And she  continued...

" Avinash Ji I am going somewhere... I will return after evening time... I have some important work....Can you fill  the things in fridge.... Buy some fruits also... And buy fresh vegetables.... If you want to buy some new vegetables you can buy it.... Ok Bye Avinash ji".... Saying that she started to move towards door... And looked back his side said..." If you have any doubt about buying any vegetables you can call me"!... Saying that she went out....

Avinash: he just stood there... With small smile...and nodded like saying yes... after seeing Anu went out ... He went to eat his breakfast...

Evening time:

Anu came back ...sat on the sofa in the living room... And drank some water...
At the same time  Avinash also came from bedroom.... seeing him...

Anu: Avinash ji... Did you brought all the necessary things...

Avinash: Mmm....

Anu: Mmm good.... Avinash ji... I didn't thought you are  good with shopping while looking fridge... She said.... I thought you will call me and ask me about anything related to Vegetables... But you brought good things without anyone help... So you are good with everything... She said with mischievous smile....

Avinash: Thank you... I know some basic details about how to buy vegetables... My mom thought me this small tips... So it's helped me today....

Anu: Mmm impressive.... Ohhh... I forgot to give important thing... That's why I went out importantly... Here I forgot while looking your shopping things... Here.... While saying that she taken some gift box from her hand bag...

Avinash: What gift...While rising his one eyebrow he asked....

Anu: ahh be's surprise gift for you!....Open this gift! You will know what is this!... Hurry take this...My hand is paining...

Avinash: Mmm.. ok! Saying that... He received that gift.... And started to open his gift... after minutes he opened his gift....

Hiiii guys....

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Thank you guys....Dreamy_freak, SowjanyaRavi,PavithraSamraj,stylishDiva4, SonamSharma 959594...
You guys are the first one who supported this stroy  with your votes,comments and message this week....And it gave me a push to write fastly..😉😉😉....This chapter for you guys...

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