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Avinash: Tell me damn it with loud voice he asked while moving his face closely to Anu!..his eyes are red with furious...

Anu: Why I have to  tell you  everything? Avinash...Whom I am speaking with anyone!....or doing anything... Ahh

Avinash: Because.... He stammered...

Anu: Because what! Ahh! Because what Avinash!.. tell me right now!..this time she raised her voice..

Avinash didn't replied anything, he just stared at Anu eyes.. and within minute he released his hold on her wrist.... And said...

Avinash: You can leave Anu.....

Anu: What?...with question look...while rubbing her wrist where Avinash holded...

Avinash: I said you can leave Anu... while clenching his fist....

Anu: But! You didn't replied anything for my question!....why did you behaved like this?..

Avinash: Anu just leave from here!... raising his voice...

Anu: Ok I will!... But don't speak with me like this!... I will not remain silent like today.... while glaring she said...

Saying that,Anu also came out from Avinash Cabin...

At evening time, Avinash house;

Avinash came from Office at 10 pm... He is very tired because of work and his mood also...

When he approached his room.. he heard Anu voice....

Anu on the phone:

"Ohhh god... How many times I have to tell you,I can't! It's embarrassing!.. how can I do this!..mmm... Ok listen! Tomorrow I will do! Whatever you want... ok! Sorry! Now I can't!... Ok! mmm!.. Wow!.. You are my hero!.. love you!... Ok! Now it's getting late... Tomorrow we will talk!.. Tomorrow what do you want tomorrow?"....

She heard something from next side of person...and replied " Ok! My hero! I will prepare for you!... Ahhh ok! With lots of love! Bye! Good night!...

When hearing Anu coming... Avinash quickly went inside his room...

Anu come out from her room... Heard Avinash room door closing with loud sound!.... Closing her ears she went down to the kitchen to fetch some water!...

Within minutes Avinash also came down after fresh up...

Seeing Avinash coming down,Anu started to move towards staircase...

But she stopped by Avinash hold....
Anu turned over.. looked Avinash and his hold in her wrist...

Anu: Avinash! What are you doing!..

He didn't replied... But he continued looking her eyes with his red eyes...

Anu: Avinash! What are you doing!.. leave my hand! You are hurting me!.. just leave me damn it!... Saying that she wriggled her hand from Avinash hold with force... And slapped him" with Thud sound"...

" What the hell are doing Avinash! What happened to you!.. you were not like this!.. Why are you behaving like this now!.. in past months when we lived like married couples you didn't behave like even you didn't liked me!...Why!... Why!.. earlier in the morning also you behaved weirdly!.. now this!.. why!"... She continuously asked him with loud voice...

Avinash: Why!.. why! You are asking me!..why I am behaving like!.. don't you know?... Why I am like this!...

Anu Just nodded her head negatively...

Avinash: because of you damn it!.. because of you!.. can't you guess it!... Why are you making me do these things that I dont want to do... And  behaving like this.... But I can't control myself!.. you are the reason!... you are the sole reason.... Before you came into my life, I lived my life peacefully... But after you became opposite!... What have you done to me!... You made me like this!.. because of you I am thinking unnecessary things... Unwanted things... You are the reason!... Now tell me you are the one whomade me like this!...
He continued his blabbering....

Anu don't know what to do!.. she touched his shoulder....

Anu: Avinash Calm down!..Calm down... Here drink some water!... She forwarded water to him!...

When Avinash came to his sense because of Anu touch and mild caring voice... Avinash looked Anu for some seconds... But soon his soft eyes became furious one... He shrugged off Anu hands forcefully....stand infront of Anu...And said...

Avinash: Don't act like! you are so caring about me!.. don't do this kind of acting infront me!.. I know about you well... Infront me you playing like innocent, caring wife... But in back you are different... I know that!.. I don't want your fake sympathy or care!....

Saying that he marched towards his room...

Here in the living room Anu standing with blank expression!....She stood there for sometime with longing eyes.... Soon she also went to her room...

At night Avinash room;

Avinash sleeping in his bed... But soon he started to blabbering in his dream... Don't.... Don't!.. don't leave!... Please!... Don't!... Soon he started to weep....soon he screamed" No!.. don't!.. please!"...

Hearing Avinash Screaming.... Anu also awake.... She came to Avinash room.... she saw Avinash struggling to get up while in the sleep... And breathing heavily...

She directed ran to him... And started to pat his cheek while calling his name" Avinash! Avinash open your eyes!.. nothing will happen!.. don't worry!.. open your eyes!"...

Hearing Anu voice he opened his eyes with jolt....

Anu: Avinash!.. breath slow and steady... Relax... while cupping his cheek...

But with wasting any second Avinash hugged Anu tightly like his life is dependent on this hug...

Anu surprised by Avinash hug!.. but she didn't reacted negatively!.. because she know!.. right now Avinash need this .. need this hug... She just smoothed his back... While saying Relax... It's okay!... Don't worry!.. it's just dream!....but her smoothing words stopped by Avinash...

Avinash: Don't leave me!.. please!.. don't!... I can't live like this!.. please don't leave alone!..

His words shocked Anu!......she don't know what to say!.. but again Avinash repeated same words again... Again very softly.... Then only Anu noticed Avinash went to sleep mode again... While sleeping only he is saying these words again and again....

Anu mind voice; Fool Anu!.. here you are thinking how to answer his request... While he is in dream... He didn't asked you....

Anu stayed Avinash room until Avinash sleep peacefully with uttering anything..... In midnight She returned to her room while thinking about Avinash....


Hey guys.... How is today's  chapter...I hope you liked this chapter....

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