Part 37

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Avinash: Anu please taste it .... I made it for you for the first  time...please while extending tea Cup near her he said with  plead look...

Anu : can't you understand that .... I don't want it... while saying that she stood up abruptly..... because of her action tea Cup fell down from Avinash hand.... Spilt on ground....

Some of tea splashed on Avinash hand also... Because of hot tea Avinash released painful groan...but he didn't shown his pain infront of  Anu .... Because compare than  whatever he did with Anu,this is nothing.. just like dust....

In other hand Anu didn't said anything or even didn't asked did he got hurt ... She just left from to her room..

Seeing Anu response Avinash felt pain in his heart not in his the corner of his heart he just expected.. she will react for this... Or else she will show some concern to him  but nothing happened .... She didn't care about him...he is not sad about cleaning...but her this reaction made him hurt....he knows...he deserves this... Not only this more than this..
But her indifference towards him.. he can't stand it...

With wounded heart he started clean the area where the tea spilt.... After that he went to prepare dinner...

At Anusha's room:

When Anu went inside her room..she released heavy sigh...

Anu: Why! Why he is doing this? What he wants to prove by doing this?.... Why he can't understand when I told him ... I don't want tea that time .... I don't want to hurt him?... But what I can do... Even I can't forgive him!.. he was done many wrongs to me and my baby... No I can't forgive him.. he deserves this.... Not only this... More than this... I am not going to accept him... I just want him feel the same pain .... What i felt in past months....but why I am feeling sad when the hot tea touched his skin... I know he got hurt... I just wanted to ask him to apply ointment... But I restrained my self not doing that.... Because I am not going to show my concern to him ... I don't have any feelings towards him...may be because of my pregnancy hormones...

Night time:

Anu came down after resting some time.... Avinash cooking dinner with  concentration..
Anu just started to move towards dinning table and sat... seeing Anu... Avinash face became more bright... because he cooked every for Anu ... Her favourite items....( Ofcourse with the help of YouTube,it took him 4 hours to complete the cooking)....

Avinash: Anu! How are you feeling right now? How is your headache? Did it reduced?...

Anu: she just looked towards him with narrowing eyes" What's your problem Avinash?you are irritating me!"

Hearing that Avinash face fell low ...but he composed himself...

Avinash: Ok! I am sorry for irritating you! See i have cooked your favourite dishes! Looking while saying this he started to open the dishes to show...

But Anu didn't replied anything... Even she didn't looked that direction... Seeing her response... Avinash got that... She didn't wished to see anything...

Avinash: Anu! You didn't like this .. do you want something other than this... Tell me i will cook for you within 15 minutes... See with social media I can cook like a pro chef... before he could finish he heard door bell... when he stood there thinking who could it be here at this time...

Anu: Avinash here take this money! While extending 500 rupees towards him she said...

Avinash also took it from him with questioning look!..

Anu continued....

Go and get the parcel from the delivery boy..." Delivery boy? Avinash asked...

Anu: Yes! Now go and get it! How many questions you are going ask? With irritating tone she told him ....

Avinash just nodded his head and went to get the delivery.. when he opened the door... There stood Food delivery boy ...

Seeing that Avinash face became more sad..." Ohh... She ordered her dinner! Her like a fool i am cooking and asking her how is it! Avinash you are fool! How can you think.. she will forgive you very easily! You fool!.." shaking his thoughts out... He paid for food and recieved it....

Anu: What took you so long to recieve that food at the door...come and give me that food fast .. looking Avinash she said..

Avinash also did what she told... Without wasting anytime she started to eat her dinner... It's her favourite Naan with mushroom gravy.... Inbetween eating she released moan..

Avinash don't know what to say..or feel... Because it's hurts to see his wife didn't wanted food that cooked by him... And he cooked first time in his life.... It's hurts like a hell....but he can't show it.....

Anu: What are doing here? Why are you looking at me like this? I am dancing here?... Just go and do eat your dinner!... with annoying tone she said....

Avinash: Nothing! Just i am thinking something else! Saying that he started to move towards his room... And stopped halfway hearing Anu voice...

Anu: Where are you going?

Avinash: To my room.... With slow tone ...

Anu: What about your dinner?

Avinash: i am not feeling hungry Anu....

Anu: What! Ohh! Now you wanted to make me feel guilty..or you want to play victim... I am not asked you cook for me!....if you didn't eat you dinner or meals.. do you think I will feel sympathy towards you ... Sorry to burst your bubble.... I will not!'s your wish to stay here and do whatever I will ask you do .... I didn't compelled you to do anything.... Now you wanted to play victim card here!... So Avinash do play drama like this infront of me! I know you well... Just eat your dinner! Saying that she continued her dinner!...

Avinash just stood there... With moist's not because of hurting words.... It's happy tears..." Thank you caring for me.... You didn't want me to sleep without dinner... You knew I can't stand my hunger.. i know inside in your heart still you care for me "... With small smile....he went eat his dinner.... Because he can't say no to his wife order....


I know... I took more than 2 months to update this chapter.... Some of you may forgot this story plot even story itself.... Haha... I know some of you might scolded me / scolding me for late update.... Sorry dears... Some work...i kept me busy....and thank you dears those who have support and messaged me about updates....this chapter not edited...

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