Elizabeth's POV

I'm watching Easton dance with my sister out of the dance floor and I can't help but smile. He's always been a decent dancer even being as tall as he is it's not awkward. Although my sister looks like a child next him, well anyone who isn't an basketball player looks like a child next to him. MK notices my eyes are on them and she turns to signals for them to come sit and get a drink.

They both come over and he's getting pretty wobbly as he sits next to me. I steady him and his hand lands in my thigh. He doesn't notice so I don't say anything or move it. Luckily there's a table between us and MK so she can't see.

"Oh man...this is so much fun!" He yells and it's loud even for the club. Both MK and I laugh. "I think you should have some water buddy." MK says and I nod in agreement sliding a glass of water to him. He grabs is and downs the glass.

"Is that Easton James!?" I hear from behind us and a brunette is walking up to us. She looks sort of familiar.

"Nina!?" Easton says and stands up closing the distance and hugs around the waist lifting her up. I look over to MK and she has an irritated look on her face.

"I thought that was you out there dancing but your the tallest guy here so it had to be you." I hear her say and she looks over his shoulder at us and he turns around.

"Oh yeah, Nina you remember Mary Kate, and this is her sister Elizabeth, Elizabeth this is Nina Dobrev. " He introduces and Nina smiles at MK but neither of them move to shake hands or anything. Weird...I put on my best smile, "Hi nice to meet you Nina." I hold out my hand and she takes it.

"You too! Easton how about a dance for me?" She asks her hand on his chest makes my stomach turn. He doesn't answer just grabs her hand pulling her towards the dance floor.

Once they are gone I turn to MK, "Okay what the hell was that about?"

She takes a drink and shrugs, "I don't know what you're talking about?" She denies and I roll my eyes at her.

"Come on MK you glared at her the entire time he was hugging her and you two barely acknowledged each other." I admonish her

"Fine, Nina and Easton used to be a thing. She used him and he was too smitten to see. She also hated our friendship so for while they were a thing Easton and I didn't talk or hang out. She was his first real relationship after...after his little flings." She finishes and I noticed something in that pause but I let it go.

"Did he love her?" I let slip while looking over to the dance floor and see them dancing.

"No but he did really like her and I didn't see any form of feeling like that from him since...well you. So I couldn't stop that." She says looking at him too.

"What happened?" I ask her and she looks back at me. "She ended things, it hurt him but he told me it was for the best."

"Why was it for the best?" I ask and she shrugs, "He never told me. But I think it had something to do with you no longer being with Boyd."

"What?" I ask


I just look back at her, "Lizzie his love for you was so strong."

"How is she doing?" Easton asks and I roll my eyes as I get him a beer.

"She's fine." I spit out and he looks at me in shock at my tone. I take a deep breath, "Sorry."

"I was thinking maybe I should go see her. What do you think?" He asks and I'm mid drink and I choke on the liquid. Once I gain my composure, "Do you think that's the best idea? She just ended an engagement would you you want that type of rejection? Especially just after Nina just ended things with you."

He instantly deflates and nods, "No you're right she didn't want me."

I feel horrible I don't want him thinking she didn't want him because I think she still does but they both are just always missing each other. But also my feelings for him are growing stronger. I don't want to make him feel like that for my own gain.

I walk around the island and grab his face in mine forcing him look at me. "Easton, she wanted you she just didn't want you to give up on your dream. If you want to go see her I can't stop you but think on it." He smiles and nods. I pull him into me and he wraps his arms me.

**End of Flashback**

I think back to that day and he didn't end up going. He was back to his flings but then he met Margot and I thought his love for my sister was gone but then that night when Ash and I caught him and Lizzie in an intimate position I knew that he still loves her and she him.

"MK does he love her?" I hear her ask and it snaps me back to reality.

"Yes..." I answer and she says, "but?"

"He doesn't look at her like he looked at you." I answer honestly.

I look over to the dance floor but no longer see Easton so I scan the place and he's with Nina at the bar doing more shots. Then he accidentally bumps into someone and the guy looks pissed. The guys starts yelling as Easton tries to apologize and then the guy pushes Easton.

"Oh shit! Lizzie it's time to go." I jump up and she follows after me.

Before we were able to reach him Easton throws a punch at the guy and then stumbles giving the guy the opportunity to grab him by the collar and hits Easton. Making him fall to the floor and Lizzie runs past me to him. I'm calling a car as we both get to him and Lizzie is able to get him sitting up and his eye is red and nose bleeding.

"Time to go Easton." I say and he looks up at the guy that's laughing bragging he knocked Easton James out.

"Do I look knocked out fucker!?" He yells and the guys looks down still laugh and Lizzie is trying to help him up. They both stand up and he stumbles again but Lizzie and I grab him around the waist keeping him steady. We then head out the back where the car is waiting.

Lizzie's POV

"I could've kicked that guys ass." Easton says and I'm holding a tissue to his nose to stop the bleeding. We finally get to MK's building she gets out.

"We're at MK's now Easton let's get you upstairs." I say slightly pushing him to get him moving. He takes the tissue and slides out the car. He's still a little wobbly as we get into the building he pulls out his keys, "Well I got to get home." He says like he isn't too drunk to drive.

I grab the keys from his hand, "No you're staying here tonight." We get into the elevator and MK reaches in his pocket pulling out his phone.

"I'll text Margot telling her where you are." He nods then his nose starts bleeding again and I but the tissue but up to his nose.

We get into MK's apartment and I walk Easton over to the couch.

"Margot says thanks and that she loves you." MK tells Easton, he just nods and says , "Thanks."

I get up to get ice for his eye and wet wash cloth. MK asks if he needs anything and he shakes his head. Then she says good night. Not before giving me a look.

I wrap the ice in a towel and grab the wet wash cloth. I sit down next to him pull the tissue away and start wiping down his nose and face. Once I get most of the blood I grab the ice and shift motioning for him to lay his head in my lap. He does and I lightly press the ice to his eye. He hisses at the pain and coldness.

"Sorry." I whisper sympathetically. "It's alright thank you." I push back some of his hair it's getting longer from when I saw him at the game.

"I know I need to cut it." He says and I giggle, "It always did grow super fast. Now you can grow more facial hair too."  I say using my thumb to rub at the hair that's forming a beard there and  I didn't notice before. He reaches up and putting his hand on top of mine keeping my hand on his face. I look into his eyes and I can't help myself I lean down and press my lips to his.

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