Chapter 27:It seens that stupidity is hereditary

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Kumagawa looked at the knight to see him looking back at him. Well, he guessed, the eyes around the armor body were staring at him unblinking at the very least.

The knight flew down sword raised against Kumagawa, planning to kill him fast and take Hertrude. However, whatever boost that parasythic reliq had it wasn't enough.

When he finished his swing he didn't see neither Kumagawa nor Hertrude and his hands felt a lot lighter. He turned around to see Kumagawa was behind him still holding Hertrude in bridail style, but also holding the sword the knight held nor long ago.


Kumagawa:[Ah, it really has a nice design. At least it has that going for it. Who's this guy, anyway?]

Hertrude:He's Vandel's apprentience.


Hertrude:The Black Knight.

Kumagawa:[The Black Knight? Who's that?]

Hertrude:The man you crushed the day you captured me.

Kumagawa:[I crushed him?]

Hertrude, together with the people around him and presumbly the knight as well, blankly stared at him. They weren't sure whenever he was just messing with Hertrude or he genuinly forgot about his greatest feat for the Holfort Kindgom. Going by his personality, it could've been either of those.

Kumagawa:[Wow...I must've really made him suffer! So, what's up with you? Here for the revenge trope?]

Knight:Trope? No matter. While I want to honor the memory of my mentor, pricess Hertrude takes prority. The mission for Fanoss, one foe which I sacrificed my life for.

Kumagawa:[Oh, how nice. What a touching story!]

Hertrude:No, you clearly don't have enough facts to draw an conclusion!

In response to her observation Kumagawa laughed. The knight had realized by now that he was speaking for nothing, his opponent seemed to think of everything as some kind of joke.

He came here expecting to meet an disgusting villain, yet all he can see in front of him is a chaotic kid. A very powerful one, but a kid nonetheless.


Kumagawa stopped laughing as their banter seemed to have ended. Hertrude looked towards the sky with an longing look.

Ah, he knew that one. It's the same look Medaka had towards Kujira.


Kumagawa threw the sword down and gently let go of Hertrude. He sat down with a hand on his stomach.

Kumagawa:[I really am unfourtunate. It seems I have a stomachache, so I can't fight you now.]

Hertrude:Really? That's what you're going with?

Kumagawa:[You should go, Hertrude-chan. After all, you know what type of guy I am, right?]

Hertrude turned around wirh a huff. Even so, she had a smile on her face.

Hertrude:Truly, you are such a fickle man.

The knight wasted no time and picked up both the sword and Hertrude, after which taking off flying. The members of Holfort on the ship stared at Kumagawa in shock.

Kumagawa:[Hey, hey, what's up with those looks? Can't you see your Commander-In-Chief has a stomachache? Go make me some tea.]

Later that day Kumagawa stared at all the ships prepared to march forward in battle while sipping tea from his cup. Balcus and Nicks were behind him, staring at all of this in amazement.

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