Chapter 21:Let's just say see you later

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Angelica and Olivia have gotten an visit from Luxion bringing news. Least to say, they were apalled by what they heard.

Olivia:...Misogi is really gonna fight the Principality?

Angelica:Ridiculous would be a word for this situation...I never heard of a student being put in such a position. What about our numbers.

Luxion:Right now, we have partner and around 20 ships. We have yet no news about the number of Royal Army and should expect nothing from the Temple.

Angelica took an thinking position hearing his report. This didn't look good.

Angelica:Is that all we have? What about other generals? The fleet of feudal lords?

Luxion:The help of Royal Army stands solely on the succes of Mylene in negociations that will take place. Most feudal lords defend their borders from other nations and those who aren't choose to wait and observe.

Olivia:Why? Why aren't they helping?

Angelica: Livia, do you know why the feudal lords serve the Kingdom?

Olivia:Um...Isn't it because they swore fealty to the Kingdom?

Angelica:No, it's because of lack of military strenght.


Angelica:They serve because they know they can't fight against the Kingdom. If they don't need to fear the Kingdom's fighting capability, they wouldn't hesitate to revolt. Also, the Kingdom has been quiet cold to it's feudal lords. They prevented their rise in power, motive for many children of feudal lords try to get a good marriage.

Olivia:Oh! Like Raymond and Daniel?

Angelica:Yes, it nothing strange. Be it for pressure from their parents or wanting to live a good life. In fact, Misogi is really pelicular in the ranks of feudal lords for his complete desinteres in that practice.

Olivia:Even thought he became Viscount.

Angelica:As I said, a pelicular case. I will go speak to my father, maybe there's something I can help with. I, too, wish to be a help to Misogi.

Luxion:Are you sure?

Angelica:Misogi said we'll win, right? Than we'll win. I trust him.

Luxion:Than let us leave for the royal palace. Duke Redgrave will be there as well.

Angelica:I'm sure you'll be a great help. Let's leave at once. What are you gonna do, Livia?

Olivia:I...Please let me come with you!

Luxion:Than let's leave at once.

Kumagawa had taken a visit to his home, a pretty rare thing. However, it wasn't for the most warm reasons.

He had to take some ships after tge evacuation is done. A cat demi-human servant, an accomplice who put him in prison using his plce as Jenna's slave, was being dragged by the minus with no small amount of harshness.

Finally he found Jenna and Nicks. On that note, nicks had grown into an handsome man, unlike Kumagawa who had alwais been kind of androgynous.

 On that note, nicks had grown into an handsome man, unlike Kumagawa who had alwais been kind of androgynous

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